View Full Version : Coming off??Maybe!?!

12-02-10, 12:25
Hi everyone, I havent been on here since march last year.

Alot has happened in the last year-some really good and some not so good. Really good=getting engaged to my boyf and now planning the wedding.:yahoo: Not so good=getting sacked from my job of 4months 3weeks ago!:weep:

Anyway iv been wanting to come off the citalopram for a while since before xmas as i felt i was cping with things well. I had gone up from 10mg to 20mg for a number for a number of months. The GP reduced me back down to 10mg over xmas and all through jan, and told me to do 10mg for 2weeks and then 10mg every other day and so on. Well i was starting to do every other day and then i got sacked=huge blow to confidence,self esteem,low mood,angry everything.And so I took it for a week every day.
Now at this present moment in time im having one every 3rd day but by the end of the 2nd/morning of the 3rd I feel so so sicky and really bad headaches!! And sometimes in those days i feel panicky like yesterday I went to an agency and iv got temp work for a month from monday which is good but then I went to a lingere store and got fitted but i must of tried on 20 odd bras and all werent right or i didnt like and i spent ages there and towards the end I could feel myself getting really anxious,feeling overwhelmed and like i was gonna cry there and then and wanted to stamp my feet in respone in feeling overwhelmed.
I keep getting days when I feel my small ball of panic start to rise up inside my chest and i force it back down but its there. :wacko:

Im questioning weather i should come off, but I really want to, I want to cope without them. I havent taken it this morning.

Sorry such a long post, I suppose any advice would be useful. Shall i stick with the coming off? What If i feel really anxious panicky without thm and have a meltdown?!

Laura x

12-02-10, 13:32
Hi laura, well done for getting your dosage down as you have done. Citaloram is tricky when you come off it but you have tapered it down slowly so you shouldnt experience many if any of the side effects. How did you feel at each stage that you reduced the dosage?? You sound like you are going through a bit of a challenging time at the moment. Why dont you just try taking 10ml each day for a while to see if it helps whilst you get through this bad patch and once you feel settled again then try reducing the dosage right down. When did you start taking citalopram? I took 10ml for quite a while as a preventative but I suffered different to you with anxiety on and off for a long time and I still do. You sound like you could just do with a bit of back up for when you start with the agency work. When you do you might find you setttle down again. I used to get very anxious if I had any kind of hurdle and felt the meds helped me cope with this. Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to do. Jo.

12-02-10, 15:16
Hi, thank you, Is suppose its been easy to come down the dosage because iv wanted to when i felt ready. Its like anything you cant force yourself to go at a pace that doesnt suit you. I started taking Citalopram bout Feb last year after alot of hesitation!
Well I am just taking 10mg tabs bout every 2nd or 3rd day. Im just getting headaches rather than anything else. Going from 20mg to 10mg I didnt really notice any change or side effects or level in my anxiety.I think my anxiety levels are up currently because of the stressful time iv been through these past weeks. When i have no cit in my system and something is panicking me like yesterday i feel worse than if i did have it. but that also could be a mind over matter thing.
I dont regret being on them as they have helped loads!! But i need to concentrate on learning other coping techniques now as i want to start a family after I get married and i cant be on them then.

Laura x