View Full Version : Another Headache topic

12-02-10, 13:21
Sorry for posting another topic related to headaches.

Im looking for some reassurance please.

Would you say this is something to worry about:

Since last week I have had a dull ache which seems to be prominant on my forhead and around my crown. It doesnt get any worse when I bend down. Its not really painful just annoying. I can look at bright lights fine. I have not hit my head.

I am just getting over a cold, Could it be that? Or too much use of the computer?


12-02-10, 13:38
Sounds like sinus probs to me .Maybe a spot of cattarh ..Sometimes a cold can cause these probs .Too much time on the computer isnt good for you anyway so ,limit how much time you are on in one time ,,,Im sure your head will get better in a few days .It takes longer to get over a cold sometimes than the cold itself :lac:Take care Sue xx:hugs:

12-02-10, 13:43
Thanks Sue.

I spend far too long staring at this screen anyway (Around 10 hours a day) Which Im stopping next week after my work is finished.

Hopefully this goes soon.


12-02-10, 18:15
It could be sinus problems but sounds more tension headache related to me. As Sue says, try to limit too much time on the computer and try to find ways to relax and unwind.

Sure you'll feel better soon.