View Full Version : How do....

12-02-10, 18:43
How do you not fight against a panic attack if it starts to wash over you, how can you make it less of a hard time because sometimes they last for ages. I get them in really public places. Im going out later with some friends and we have to stop off at a supermarket. Im a little anxious that something will happen as this week i have been off college and in my house pretty much all week, surrounded by people who i feel safe around. I will be with mates who know what to do, but i dont want anything too big to occour, i will take a tablet before i go but i just want to know how to keep it cool in such big places with lots of people. I always know i start feeling anxious because my heart beats with double the beat. Or so it feels .

maybe just a little guidance if anyone knows?

Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 11:44
It's a mental fight isnt it ! You have just got to remember to focus on slow deep breaths , make sure you are not breathing to quickly, thats what causes the panic to come . I go through a self talk when i'm feeling anxious. It goes like this
Right paige , you've been through this before and nothing happened and soon as you are in a safe zone it stops. So thats the proof that it is only panic , Nothing bad is going to happen. Feel yourself getting calmer etc etc .
Then i try to focus my attention somewhere else , like if im in town looking at clothes or shoes, If im in a cafe i focus on someone else ( obviously not staring at them lol ) and wonder about their life and so on .
Divert your attention away from the thumping heart and the rest will take care of its self
Paige x