View Full Version : The long and winding road

Si Kadelic
12-02-10, 19:25
Hey everyone I'm Simon from Ireland.

I've been struggling with anxiety/depression/insomnia with the past year or so which came about due to me suffering from a debilitating physical illness which had been misdiagnosed on several occasions.

Thankfully this physical illness has recently been diagnosed as fibromyalgia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibromyalgia) and I have been receiving treatment for it which, on a physical level anyway, has improved things greatly and I am almost completely back to normal on that front.

However despite this upturn in my fortunes the depression/anxiety/insomnia remains and is a bigger obstacle to me getting some semblance of a life back than any physical ailments.

Accepting that this is an issue that needs to be addressed is something I have only done quite recently as I thought that I could deal with it by myself. But after battling away for this long with no positive results I've finally admitted defeat and booked an appointment with my GP so that I can be referred to a counseller/psychologist.

At the moment my greatest fear is going on anti-depressants for the first time in my life especially considering the fact that I'm only recovering from a serious illness and I worry that my body may not react well to these meds, has anyone been in a similar scenario to this in the past?

12-02-10, 19:26
Hi Si Kadelic

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Going home
12-02-10, 22:39
You were anxious about what was happening to your body, and symptoms of anxiety can take time to disappear because you get caught up in the loop of it and the mind is a powerful thing believe me. It will take time to retrain your anxious thoughts. If you do indeed have some depression then talking to a therapist should help, but only take medication if you feel you absolutely cannot function. There's nothing wrong with taking meds for depression, true depression is an illness...a chemical imbalance that affects the brain, so obviously if the docs think you are clinically depressed then go with the meds, but if you think its because of lack of sleep then try to find alternatives first if you can. There are alot of natural remedies out there to help you sleep for example, and also for anxiety. keep talking to people on here, they will help you wade through the treacle.

Welcome by the way :flowers:

Anna xx

Veronica H
13-02-10, 00:02
:welcome:to NMP Simon. Glad that you have found us.
