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View Full Version : Rock bottom - words of wisdom about Citalopram needed

12-02-10, 20:07
Hi all,

Feel like I have hit pretty much rock bottom now. My head is constantly spinning, I have a chest infection and am exhausted among other things - most of you will have seen one of my posts in the last few weeks.

Tomorrow I start Citalopram, I have to because some how or another I have to start sorting myself. So any last words of advice to stop me panicking? I have been prescribed 10mg but am going to take 5mg for the first few days.

13-02-10, 10:00
Hi there, I would definitely say take them. I started about 3 months ago on 20mg and am feeling so much better. Still have the old blip but generally feel good. Had a bit of a moment last night, went out with friends and lost my way in Waterloo station and panicked a bit!! My problem is HA and do still have those anxieties but am able to work and my friends and family are a good support to me. I hope you get on well with cit, the first couple of weeks are not so good, heightened panic, shaking, nausea etc. etc. but get through those first weeks and you should do fine.

Hope you do well :)

Jannie x x

13-02-10, 10:18
I'm just finished week 9 of citalopram. It took me all my strength to take them but i am so glad i did now. when i started i was at the point where i couldn't do anything ie work - sleep - eat - get out bed.
Now 9 weeks on i am back at work - and most days I am ok - still have the odd bit of anxiety and the odd bad day - but have come a huge way!
The first 2 weeks I was not good and was losing hope - but psychopoets citalopram survival guide was a Saviour - he has put so much love, time and effort in - an it is really informative :


I stated on the full 20mg and i would say the worst side effects were the panic(which i already had bad anyway) and a really sore head.
Good luck - i hope you get better soon!

13-02-10, 16:33
I am now really worried about going into anaphalactic (sorry if sp) and having seizures. Only on 10 and I can't bring myself to take the first one...so scared and worried

Cell block H fan
13-02-10, 16:47
Take them, but be prepared for some side affects for the first 2 weeks atleast. You certainly will feel worse before you feel better.
But if you really are supposed to be on them, it will get better in time & you will feel good x

13-02-10, 18:01
Is there any reason why I couldn't start with 5mg (so cutting a tablet I have in half) for a couple of days then taking the 10?

13-02-10, 18:09
Hi, I would say start with the 10mg, but I've noticed a lot of people on here start with 5mg. As I said, I started on 20mg and quite bad for the first 2 weeks. Psychopoets citalopram journey is well worth reading, I read the whole lot when I first started and it helped me immensely. I still have the odd bad day but the good days far outweigh the bad ones!! I am thinking of asking the Dr to up mine to 30mg because I feel that the odd bad day needs to be wiped out! Hope you decide to take them, you will most definitely feel better, but just be prepared to feel worse for a while and you will be glad you started. All the very best to you.

Jannie x x

13-02-10, 20:09
Thanks for all your replies. I feel stupid feeling like this about something that will ultimately help me but when you focus minute by minute it is the unknown that is the scariest. I hope to try it tomorrow.

14-02-10, 20:11

I know that you can read a lot of bad press about Citalopram (although it's unfortunate that some people do experience bad side effects), but don't let this put you off. I have been on 10mg of Citalopram for about two months, and experienced NO negative side effects- so there's no reason that you should either. Don't be scared. It really, really helped me.

As to taking 5mg, I would just go with the full 10mg, as prescribed by your doctor. I don't think there's much differnece between the two anyway.

Good luck :yesyes: