View Full Version : Finally going to get CBT!

12-02-10, 20:23
Hi :):hugs:

I got a letter this morning that asked me to confirm an appointment my local mental health team have made for me to begin my CBT!

It has been a bit of a wait. I've been on the list since last May, and I've been working hard to turn corners. I'm in a better place than I've been in YEARS, but I still want to try CBT to help me even more. I spoke to my GP about it, and he is really happy its come through at last, as I'm in a really good place to take it in and help me get even stronger.

Looking forward to the challenges :yesyes:

12-02-10, 22:55
Excellent, great news. And I wish you the best of luck. :)

Is this via a NHS referral thingy? and if so do you know if its going to be face to face groupings or over the phone. I ask because Ive been interested in this kind of thing for myself for a short while now.

Again all the best


13-02-10, 00:25
Good on You. You will find CBT really does work if YOU will let.I have been having it and has does wonders for me I wish you all the best,let me know how you get along.