View Full Version : I don't know where I'm going in life

12-02-10, 20:24
It's really eating away at me. I'm fed up with my life being dull not even anxiety related just in general, love, work, friendships. I'm fed up posting on here and not going out enjoying myself, fed up of people saying "it will get better". I've waited years..my inner self belief has gone, I may be down but have my reasons.

Small positives mean nothing the big picture for me is my day to day life sucks and I'm only 21. Ok I can change but I have tired and tried and tried for years to find a good place.

I pity anybody in my situation. :weep: (I'm not really looking for reassurance tbh because today, tomorrow I know I have to deal with this on my own).

12-02-10, 21:09
ah sweetie massive (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

i know exactly what you mean. i too am down in pretty much every way, so really feel for you.

pm me anytime if you need a chat xx

12-02-10, 21:37
Thanks I just wish I had some real positive news for once. My year's not really took off yet at all. :blush:

12-02-10, 21:39
ah poor you.

its so easy for people to say think positive......i find that so hard to do x

13-02-10, 20:02
Tonight it's got to me in another way as I'm just sooo angry..:mad: I'm sick of it..don't understand why me life has to be soo bad!! ahhh duno where to go. :blush:

14-02-10, 22:41
phil - what would you like to be happening in your life? I personally would just like to be 21 - I know that sounds really glib BUT when your 50 that will be your heart's desire. Lots of hugs - feel really bad that you r so angry and down!:hugs:

14-02-10, 23:22
I have a similar problem, I have no idea where I'm going. But the thing that makes me feel better is just living for now rather than for the future. It's not the healthiest but it makes me happier. Chocolates feel good now but they'll show on my bum tomorrow. Weighing it up though - I'm taking the chocolate option because they put me in a better mood so I can actually move :)

That's the thing with anxiety isn't it - constantly thinking about the future and consequences of stuff you've done in the past. If only I didn't care.