View Full Version : Visible Veins

12-02-10, 20:39
Has anyone noticed their veins becoming more visible? The veins in my hands and wrists and breasts are more visible now since I've been feeling anxious and my left arm is really sore. Has anyone else been through his?

12-02-10, 21:23
I'm starting to think I have Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Rachel W
13-02-10, 14:58
I have this too lately. I think that the dry winter heat in the house does not help, and also anxiety may also be a factor. My shoulders look like they have little broken blood vessels, but I have also had a higher sensitivity on my back to heat, and I am starting to think that being in for three months in hot dry temperatures, along with major stress could be triggering it. Also, if you are in a house with the heat on, then veins move closer to the surface to cool off, and I have heard that dry skin can make skin look more see-through?

I have always had more visible veins in some areas, and heat really does not help.

I also thought that DVT caused pain in the legs, not more visible veins.

13-02-10, 15:14
Since my anxiety has peaked, my veins are incredibly noticible. I look see through! The ones in my arms, hands, and feet are particularly scary looking. When I'm not anxious, they're nowhere near as visible. Probably because I'm not looking for them!

It's a combination of things - for example, you notice and look for more things on your body when you're anxious, so there's a level of heightened awareness.
Anxiety and panic are also associated with pallor, where the skin is more pale than usual. This is not an indication of ill health - it's just the blood being drawn away from the skin into other parts. That same blood flow is also making the veins stand out just that bit more.

I also have the visible capillaries on my shoulders. As far as I'm aware, that's a fairly normal part of growing older (well... I'm 25, I'm not sure how old you are?)

13-02-10, 20:41
Thank you so much for your replies. Everything you guys said makes so much sense.

Yesterday when I thought about it some more, the extra adrenalin pumping through my body seemed like a probable cause. I really think the blood being shifted away from my skin is a great explanation. I seem very translucent (I am very pale to start with.)

The issue for me is that I hate veins. I hate the word, I hate looking at them, I hate blood tests (only because they have the find the vein.) So having to look at them all the time is driving me up the wall. I haven't been working out lately (which makes my anxiety better) because I am afraid of my veins sticking out more. I actually wore gloves around my house for a little bit yesterday.

My dad has has had peripheral arterial disease for a few years now, but he is well in his 60's. I am 21 and I am constantly worrying about some sort of vascular disease. My mom has Raynaud's disease and she has always worried that I have it as well (my legs tend to go dark purple when I stand for long periods of time, I don't wear shorts anymore. I turn dark purple when I am cold too long.)

I was also worried that maybe my heart was working too hard (it has been beating so hard and so fast for so long now) that it was causing my veins to... I don't know, I don't even have a logical reason behind it. Haha.

Anyways, thank you so much for your replies. I feel a lot better :).

13-02-10, 21:35
It's a normal part of growing older, as the skin gets thinner. I have lots of thread veins in my legs and now I've noticed them elsewhere too. They've increased over the last few years hugely, and partly it is genetic as it runs in my family. Nothing to worry about though ! However, as you are only 21, it is likely that your veins are the same as they always have been and your anxiety is making you notice them in minute detail and study their appearance, making them seem more noticeable to you.

13-02-10, 22:00
Yes. I'm very very pale however, I think that may have something to do with it! Some days they are much more visible than others.

14-06-16, 22:10
This is happening to me now :( I'm also very worried and scared.. Did u end up okay??