View Full Version : Pain on left side of chest, arm, abdomen and leg

12-02-10, 20:45
Hi everyone, so glad I just came across this forum - one of the only websites I found on Google which didn't send me into a massive anxiety attack!!!

So here are the symptons: (28/m)

First (and most worrying) is a pain in the left chest area, it can be a cramp or aching pain, usually around the nipple area but can move to anywhere up to the armpit / shoulder area. Only lasts one or two seconds at a time. Feels relatively close to the skin, which is about the only thing that's kept me sane through all this.

Had it for about a month and a half, and usually happens about 5 times a day. I can't bring the pain on by moving in any direction - I have started running 4miles at a time (about 3 times a week) and this doesn't seem to cause it??

And....top of my left abdomen gets painful and probably happens more frequently than the other pains. Also have a dull ache in my left arm, and left leg (this does seem to get worse after running), but was there before I started to run as well.

Just wondered if anyone has had the same or knows what is wrong with me. I'm totally freaked out that it's my heart - and the worries are causing me to have massive anxiety attacks.

Was confused why only the left side of my body seems to be affected and then today I got the cramp pain in the right side of my chest. Needless to say another panic attack followed!

Too worried to go to the doctor, and worried about not going - it's catch 22.

Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 11:35
Hi Darren and welcome to NMP. It sounds muscular to me , I had a frozen ( left ) shoulder last year and the pain was incredible. Started of with symptoms you are describing like the cramps, all round my neck , shoulder , arm and then i could not lift my arm up etc and it went on from there. I had a few months of physio which did not help , it was the corisone injection that worked ( even though i was terrified to have it ) . Even now i still have problems with it , but obviously not as bad as before .
If it was a heart problem it would not move around like that Darren. My advice is bite the bullet and go to the doctor , It will put your mind at rest. You may get referred for physiotherapy , which is helpful, as long as you don't leave it as long as i did ! Get it seen to now if anything just to stop the panic and it will once you know its a problem that can be treated easily.
See you around !
Love Paige x

13-02-10, 12:06
Anxiety can cause all sorts of aches and pains, particularly in your chest and arm. It's par for the course really. I've mentioned it to my doctor a few times and nothing really comes of it, just ignore it and it'll go away seems to be the advice. Easier said than done sometimes.

Are you on any medication? I know some can cause muscle pain.

14-10-11, 08:47
Hi there!
I have exactly the same problem as you describe. For me it all started 6 months ago. I was at work when all of a sudden my heart started racing very quick. I thought I gonna die, I was terrified! Next day I noticed that my left leg and arm just feel weaker than my right side. Since than I experienced all sorts of aches, soreness in my left arm and leg but also chest pains. I ended up in A&E 3 times, I had EKG done 8 times, I also done a stress test on Tred mill and I was wearing a holter monitor for 24h. Everything came back as normal. My doctor say it's anxiety, but I quit my job a month ago (that was my stress factor) I felt ok for a month but it's coming back now. I may seek second opinion. I think you should do all the tests done before you put it to anxiety.

14-10-11, 10:27
Get checked out by your doctor.
It's unlikely to be a heart problem but it's good to get a check up.
Make sure you are getting enough water, your urine should be a light colour rather than dark.
Take multi vitamins, if you are low pm certain ones you can get some crazy symptoms .