View Full Version : I got sacked!

12-02-10, 22:26
I cant believe it, I'm still shaking. my employer knocked on the door about 8:30pm and handed me two envelopes, one with my final pay and one with my termination notice. On monday I handed in another sick note, this time for a month. before they were fortnightly. I havent spoken to him since jan 4th when i first got signed off. hes never called me..every week i collect my sick pay from the shop..but i never see him..this is such a shock..i dont need this right now, i cant handle it, the thought of having toclaim benefits..i have to..to pay my rent....and i dont want to..i am totally freaking out i'm trying not to but its so unexpected.he included a form for incapacity benefit I dont even know what to do about that...and tomorrow i'm going to call acas to see if he can even do this to me. I've been trying to find answers via google but i cant get clear answers...I spend at least 3 days a week on the phone to the samaritians....i really cant deal with this on top of everything else..i see my therapist again on monday thank god but I wish i didnt have to wait thru the weekend. I need someone to talk to but i have no one..sorry..but thats why i had to put this here...someone just tell me its ok........i hate being like this...

12-02-10, 22:32
erm i don't think your boss is allowed to sack you while you're on the sick, what reason did he give?

di xx

12-02-10, 22:38
he didnt give any reason, just handed me the two enevelopes and left

12-02-10, 22:39
well what did it say on the dismissal envelope?

12-02-10, 22:41
sorry the letter says it is with great regret that i must inform you that you have not met the required standard. accordingly i give you 1 weeks notice..blah blah
what standard? i dont even know???!

12-02-10, 22:43
Okay, my mum was manager of a well known supermarket, my partner owns his own company, you cannot just sack people or dismiss them without good reason, has he written it or has it been done professionally?

12-02-10, 22:45
its a hand written letter, it also says i am not required to work my notice and he paid me one weeks full pay and one weeks sick pay as well as holiday pay. I have no written contract, i worked full time and been there since sept 7th.
thank you for helping me

12-02-10, 22:46
will find out more for you now and pm you.

di xx