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12-02-10, 22:27
Hi there,

My name is Jacqueline, I am 21 years old and I live in BC, Canada. I have been living with panic all of my life but over the last month it has become much worse. I am currently in therapy once a week, I take 30mg's mirtazapine and I am afraid to drive. In addition to being slightly agoraphobic, I have many health-related anxiety problems. I am addicted to "dr. Google." I am terrified to go to sleep every-night. I am convinced I am going to stop breathing in my sleep.

12-02-10, 22:29
Hi turtleonaleash

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-02-10, 00:18
Heya turtleonaleash, I'm new here too and only realised the other day how perilous 'dr google' has been for me! I can really relate to your fears about sleeping as I used to be terrorfied of going to sleep as I was convinced I was going to die for other reasons, thankfully I no longer have that particular issue but I still dread the nighttime due to horrible nightmares. Hope you find this website as much a help as I have done so far and sorry to hear your anxiety has gotten worse recently :(

Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 12:34
Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

13-02-10, 20:46
Thank you all so much for the welcome!

I seem to develop anxiety around the things that I do in my day to day life. I guess in a way it's a good thing because I am forced to deal with my anxiety everyday.

I have been afraid to go to sleep since I was a child, but every night I fall asleep and every day I wake up.

I developed quite the case of globus hysterics and I stopped eating for three weeks solid. But I knew I couldn't live that way forever so I began eating again and the globus sensation is completely gone (I was also sent for a barium swallow which came back negative for anything so that helped calm my fears a bit.)

Now I am afraid of driving. That one is a little more difficult to conquer because it is not necessary to live. But it was something I did everyday.

I really wish you all the best of luck. Anxiety is a terrible thing. I am really looking forward to hearing any tips you can offer. I already purchased my first bottle of Rescue Remedy thanks to this website!

13-02-10, 21:00
Hi there,

My name is Jacqueline, I am 21 years old and I live in BC, Canada. I have been living with panic all of my life but over the last month it has become much worse. I am currently in therapy once a week, I take 30mg's mirtazapine and I am afraid to drive. In addition to being slightly agoraphobic, I have many health-related anxiety problems. I am addicted to "dr. Google." I am terrified to go to sleep every-night. I am convinced I am going to stop breathing in my sleep.

Hi Jacqueline! I too live in BC, Canada. :D
I'm sure you'll find this site useful! Panic and anxiety is somewhat new for me but I can relate to what you're describing. I think my anxiety and panic started after a car accident so I'm a nervous passenger and driver. As time has passed, I now get anxious on a regular basis especially about health related issues. I too am afraid to go to sleep because I worry that I'll stop breathing. This fear becomes worse when my husband travels. All I can say is, nothing has happened as of yet!
When I'm having a really rough night, I come to NMP and read through panic articles, symptoms, etc. and it helps me calm down as I know that everything I'm experiencing is panic/anxiety related.
Feel free to PM anytime!

13-02-10, 21:23
Hi Jacqueline

I'm sorry you've been having such a difficult time.

I tried Rescue Remedy and have had a lot of success with it. You'll find lots of help and support here - it's a great site!

Take care and welcome to the forum