View Full Version : Chronic fatigue,, anxiety

12-02-10, 23:54
Recently i just cam up about Chronic fatigue which can really make our bodies weak and more susceptible to infections such as the flu,Sore throat,Diarrhea etc.

My HA right now is up and down a half of my mind is saying its just my HA talking and the evil half is saying i have a disease and soon be dying (I Fear HIV right now)

i have found a few good posts on regarding HIV and some good fella's advice regarding its transmission,stigma and everything about it. I stopped myself from googling/medhelp coz i know it just sets me off again. but my real question and debate going thru my shell is am i barking at the right tree,,
is it just anxiety or am i really infected,, im pretty convince its just HA HOPE so,,,

13-02-10, 00:13
Have you been in any situations where you would have been exposed to HIV? I had a big bout of fear with this twice during my 20s (32 now) and I was convinced I had it. I was checking for thrush constantly, googling symptoms, etc, etc. As it turns out every time I have been tested it has been negative. My guess would be your HA is at the heart of this.

Even though I have been in a monogamous relationship for 5 years, and been tested once or twice during this time, I still have been thinking a bit about this too the past few weeks. I am just getting over pneumonia for a 2nd time in a year and the doc I saw, not my regular as she was out, wondered if I needed an HIV test since I got pneumonia again. Completely threw me for a loop at first. But when I told him my situation he said don't worry about it. But that doesn't necessarily stop me from doing just that.

Best thing to do is go get tested. The wait for the test is a rough few days, but then you can put your mind at ease. Anxiety itself can cause a lot of symptoms, and the constant drain on your body makes you more susceptible to infections such as colds, flus, etc. I am of the belief that my high rate of anxiety for a lot of the past year or so has contributed to my bigger health issues (pneumonias, colds, strep throat, worse IBS and GERD symptoms).

Do you have anyone close you can talk with and be honest with regarding your anxiety and concerns? If not this site is full of great people who want to help as much as possible. But for me being able to talk with my mother and my girlfriend openly about this is a great relief. I just had my girlfriend let me look at her eye under her eyelid to see if she has a variation of color that I do that I noticed today, which of course scared the shit out of me. There is no doubt in my mind I am going to marry that woman.

13-02-10, 00:22
Have you been in any situations where you would have been exposed to HIV? I had a big bout of fear with this twice during my 20s (32 now) and I was convinced I had it. I was checking for thrush constantly, googling symptoms, etc, etc. As it turns out every time I have been tested it has been negative. My guess would be your HA is at the heart of this.

Even though I have been in a monogamous relationship for 5 years, and been tested once or twice during this time, I still have been thinking a bit about this too the past few weeks. I am just getting over pneumonia for a 2nd time in a year and the doc I saw, not my regular as she was out, wondered if I needed an HIV test since I got pneumonia again. Completely threw me for a loop at first. But when I told him my situation he said don't worry about it. But that doesn't necessarily stop me from doing just that.

Best thing to do is go get tested. The wait for the test is a rough few days, but then you can put your mind at ease. Anxiety itself can cause a lot of symptoms, and the constant drain on your body makes you more susceptible to infections such as colds, flus, etc. I am of the belief that my high rate of anxiety for a lot of the past year or so has contributed to my bigger health issues (pneumonias, colds, strep throat, worse IBS and GERD symptoms).

Do you have anyone close you can talk with and be honest with regarding your anxiety and concerns? If not this site is full of great people who want to help as much as possible. But for me being able to talk with my mother and my girlfriend openly about this is a great relief. I just had my girlfriend let me look at her eye under her eyelid to see if she has a variation of color that I do that I noticed today, which of course scared the shit out of me. There is no doubt in my mind I am going to marry that woman.

I had a recent protected encounter,, thats when it started my obsession on it i was guilty coz i had my share of unprotected hooplahs.

My fiancee is a paramedic which she assures me its very very hard to contract it but risks are risk she told me, im just hoipng im barking at the right tree