View Full Version : happening again

13-02-10, 01:08
cant sleep, panic attack once again. can feel it within the chest. great.

13-02-10, 01:21
Hi hun! I am sending you a big fat hug!! It sucks doesnt it?? but you will come out th other end xx

13-02-10, 01:25
I know it really does. i cant tell you how supportive you have been though. Today has been a really good day because of your help. ive been showing everyone how much better i feel xxx

13-02-10, 01:34
Awww, Again, I'm really glad I can help!
Thats whats so fab about this site, there is always someone who as been in the same situation and might be able to help. Its just a matter of stumbling across the right posts!! I used to have bad panic attacks years ago but i learnt how to fight them, it is possible, but it takes time to perfect. You still get the anxiety and the symptoms that go with it though (or at least i do). Tell this panic atack to get ts coat on and show it the door, literally!! Open up your front door and ask it to leave, breath in a nice slow, big breath of fresh air and then blow hard into the sky, imagine that you can see these black streaks leaving your chest and evaporating into the evening sky. I know it sounds lame but it sometimes worked for me (probably due to the steady breathing, lol). When anxiety gets out there, slam the door shut on him!!! he's cramping your style xxx