View Full Version : Hi...

13-02-10, 10:20
Hi, my name is Meredith. I'm 23 years old and I've suffered from panic disorder since I was about 14 years old.

The intensity comes and goes throughout my life and at times is non-existent. I've always gone the medication route. Recently I have suffered quite severely, the worst I've ever had, and so I have been signed off on 'sick' from work for 2 weeks to join support groups, to be a bit more proactive about helping myself and to TAKE IT EASY! :D

I have a tendency to just ignore my panic, which is a good thing as I cant have it consume my life... however, it does consume my life and this is why I am where I am. It is good to ignore it to prove to myself that it isn't going to kill me... but it isn't good to do nothing about it.

I have contacted the Wellbeing Team and am hoping this will help http://www.changingmindscentre.co.uk

I've also had a good read on the following websites, which I feel has helped me in understanding the disorder a bit more.


I'd like to start yoga and learn some coping techniques... try to change my lifestyle a bit.

Anyways, I look forward to meeting everyone :) I've already read through so many threads on here - very helpful in understanding some not-so-common symptoms!

I have a few questions about some symptoms... will you see you around the forum! :hugs:

13-02-10, 10:21
Hi Meredith

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-02-10, 10:52
Hiya, i'm new too :) Hope you enjoy your time here, I was thinking of starting yoga or maybe tai chi too as stretching out my muscles often makes me feel more relaxed. I have to say out of all the sites I've come accross this one has been the most helpful so do have a proper good look around! Also if you've been on medication for a long time and your still suffering then maybe that route is not for you? Maybe try weening yourself off whatever your currently taking (whilst adjusting your lifestyle too) and see how you feel?

Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 11:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

13-02-10, 11:32
Thanks for the welcome!

Hiya, i'm new too :) Hope you enjoy your time here, I was thinking of starting yoga or maybe tai chi too as stretching out my muscles often makes me feel more relaxed. I have to say out of all the sites I've come accross this one has been the most helpful so do have a proper good look around! Also if you've been on medication for a long time and your still suffering then maybe that route is not for you? Maybe try weening yourself off whatever your currently taking (whilst adjusting your lifestyle too) and see how you feel?

Thanks! I think you've misunderstood my comment about the medicine route! Sorry! I'm not currently on medicine. What I meant was that when I have panic flare ups... I usually see the doctor and am given sertraline to cope. But, this panic flare up I don't want to take medicine... I want to try other ways of coping and dealing with it :)

13-02-10, 11:56
Oh I see! yeah, misunderstood what you meant. Well your going in completely the right direction then :) good luck and see you around the forums :D