View Full Version : Bit of advice needed

02-01-06, 16:20
I am a lot better than i have been . But this feeling of "detachment" is still lingering and apart from distraction and trying to ignore it is there anything else i can do to help myself. Watching tv (particularly soaps ) are a problem when all of a sudden i try to trace a character steps and life to how they got "there" at that time on tv walking through the door say . Its really difficult to put ito wors whats happening. I have to turn away from the tv and do something else and sometimes its hard and i end up turning in on myself somehow. Hope this makes sense to someone i know its odd. Thankyou

02-01-06, 16:57
Hi Su,

I think you just need to carry on practising what you are doing.

Also maybe when you hear this internal dialogue starting imagine that there is a monkey on your shoulder saying it in a funny voice!!


02-01-06, 20:21
I think you just have a great imagination! Once I was terrified that I was schizophrenic... I had just read a book about a woman who became schizophrenic... I was alone in my room, and I thought to myself, "wouldnt it be scary if I started to hear voices?" Sure enough a second later I thought I was hearing a voice! This is terrible and I was sure that I was losing my mind. However, I came to realize that I only heard these so called "voices" when I would say to myself, oh my gosh im going to hear voices. They never came when I was just sitting around not thinking about it. I think that is the same for you. I think your imagination is just getting the best of you. You have to train yourself to not think about things that scare you. I have had the same thing happen while watching soaps. I think when you watch something everyday, you almost feel like you know the charactor. Just remember that they are just actors and actresses trying to to make it big. Maybe look up their web pages, just to show you that they are really people just acting.

"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

02-01-06, 20:57

Hurrah for all the improvement to date. I know its been a hard road for you to travel.

This is just the end shreds and we are encouraged to believe soaps are real so it makes perfect sense that this is one of the final lingering situations.

Keep doing what you're doing.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?