View Full Version : A few symptoms, are these normal?

13-02-10, 10:33
I've had a good read through the common-symptoms post in the welcome area and have either overlooked (hopefully not) or not seen some specific symptoms in there.

1) I get pains, sharp, almost electrical in my legs. If the area is touched, it sends a horrendous pain through my leg. I've been checked over for DVT and am completely healthy! I've never seen this symptom described anywhere... but I can only assume it is to do with my panic disorder. What do you think?

2) Wheezing. I told my doctor that when I take a deep breath, my exhale always includes a wheeze and that also, after I've come home from running - I wheeze. I told my doctor and she has told me that I'm just unfit... not sure about that. Is wheezing a common symptom for panic?

3) Horrible cough. I could A LOT. Deep, rumbly, painful cough. I get in such a fit sometimes, that I can taste blood afterwards. I told the doctor and she mentioned something of chronic cough, but no real concerns otherwise. Is this to do with panic? It makes my lungs feel incredible weak after I've had an episode.

4) General weakness in my lungs. My lungs, for the most part, feel very weak at all times. Deep breaths in, deep breaths out - not always comfortable. I've been told that it is just general anxiety.

Thanks in advance :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 12:46
The pains in your legs could be nerve pain , I have this in my neck and sometimes to sore to touch it's like the skin is sore to
The cough and wheeze, could this be sinuses ? I get something like this when i lie down at night and i feel like a trickle going down the back of my throat and that makes me want to cough to clear it.
The deep breaths can feel like its uncomfortable if you are trying to hard also you could be over breathing which makes you feel weak.
If the doctor has checked you over and says you are fine then find some relaxation techniques to see if you can help yourself breath properly. This is all part of anxiety thinking we have an underlying problem that the doctors have missed. But if your cough cotinues then go back and say your not happy about diagnosis see what they say.
Good Luck
Paige x :)