View Full Version : New girl...

13-02-10, 10:56
Hi everyone - I'm new here!

I managed to have a full blown panic attack in the middle of a movie surrounded by 400 or so other people last night - and of course I was right in THE very back row so by the time I had convinced myself I WAS going to die and had to leave the cinema as soon as possible, I had to walk right through the cinema in the middle of the movie.. Great. Fortunately the movie finished 10 minutes later so by the time my friends came out and I got driven to the hospital. Surprise surprise - everything normal (except my BP and heartrate which were both ridiculously high when I got there but came down as soon as I saw a doctor..)

My question is - how long does the panicked feeling last for you guys? After the intial hour of crisis - the "panicked" feeling keeps coming back in waves and threatening to overwhelm me - it's been 24 hours since the first one.

I have had panic attacks before and I'm angry with myself that I couldn't recognise the symptoms and not insist I was having a heart attack.. (And the hospital visit will cost me $600 - about two weeks wages for me...)

Anyway - just wanted to say reading everyone's posts and experiences has helped me SO much tonight. I'm hoping for a half decent night's sleep - I had to sleep sitting up all night last night to try and stay calm and barely got any sleep.

BTW - the movie was "Valentines Day" and if the end was as ordinary as the parts I did see - I didn't miss much..

Great to be here!


13-02-10, 11:02
Hi MelbourneGirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-02-10, 11:14
A big fat welcome to NMP! :welcome:

You certainly ended up in the right place!!
We are all here to help!!!


Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 11:20
Welcome to NMP , you did end up in the right place lol :welcome:
Paige x