View Full Version : lump in private place ladys only

13-02-10, 15:53

im looking for some advice i took my period on monday and on wed i went to the toliet and well u know when u have ur periods the blood sticks to ur hairs and it was really sore as i treid to pee i could feel the hairs next to my bottom pull apart.

then my bottom got really sore and i ended up with a lump right next to my bottom bottom its right next to the bit i do the loo from :blush: its hard and a good size i can still go to the toilet its very tender to touch.

its not sore to sit on like it was a few days ago but still tender to touch i dont have a clue what it is now im craping myself incase its cancer.

its a hard lump but feels kinds spongy i did google and came bk with all sorts.

its been a few days and still there i have tried hot baths but nothing happened.

i have never had thsi before and was wondering if anyone had any idea what it was.


13-02-10, 16:31
if the lump is near your back passage it sounds like a pile get some anusol

13-02-10, 16:36
yes it is right next to it but i have never had piles would that come in a lump though

13-02-10, 16:53
yes they are lumps and its sore because its swelled with blood and inflamed dont worry get sme anusol piles can appear at any age

13-02-10, 17:02
thank you i thiought mayb a boil i had my bf take a look not so nice though and he siad its like covering up my bottom hole but i can still do the toilet out it with no soreness or bleediing.

if it is piles why didnt i bleed thought that was piles.

i am scared its cancer my mum had skin cancer that started with a lump behind her leg.

will the lump go down or stay forever there.

do i need to c my doc

13-02-10, 17:06
hi it will deffo b pile i suffer with them and they dont have to bleed just get cream and after about 5 days it will shrink

13-02-10, 17:08

does urs come in a big lump right next to ur bum and its a hard but spongy lump not sore but tender to touch

13-02-10, 17:11
external piles dont bleed as much as internal ones i was told so get the anusol and if it doesnt go down in about 3 to 5 days it could be a boil and if it is it will possibly need some antibiotics so you will have to see a doctor but it doesnt sound like anything to worry about honestly

13-02-10, 17:13
thank you will make a app for the docs had it since wed i thnk it has went down a wee bit ,

my worry with the doc is they will try and drain it if it is a boil and thats to sore dont mind antibotics though.

ill try the cream first then if it doesnt work ill go to the docs.

13-02-10, 17:23
yes they are tender to touch they usually look a bit like a purple grape

13-02-10, 17:27
yeah mine looks like a grape and a werid colour its not pink though. how long does it take to go away and will it keep coming back.

i read i was supoosed to push it bk in but i ant touching it.

ill get to the chemist on monady and get the cream hope that works hate going to the dcotors.


13-02-10, 17:32
once u start on crem u will notice after a few days it will begin to shrink...u can push um bk but i just use cream .....i have had them since avin kids also when i have been constipated but they realy are nothing to worry about. just keep cream in house incase u ever need it, i do

13-02-10, 17:48
thank you you both had eased my mind u ought to have seem what was going through it,

ill go to the chemist and get the cream hopfully they wont come back,

thank you

13-02-10, 18:27
Deffosounds like a pile and boy can they be painful, mine have never had a bleed tho so they don't always x