View Full Version : Specific injury triggers anxiety

13-02-10, 21:03
About a year and half ago I damaged my neck. The pain kept me awake a night and gave odd side effects. During that time my anxiety reached its tipping point and is the point of things getting out of hand as it were.

Since then I've had physio and its gradually been getting better. However if I get stressed my neck/shoulders tighten up, then my neck injury flares up. I find as soon as my neck tightens I get anxious which in turn makes things worse and I end up in a stress loop where I get odd side effects (nausa, disconnected, shattered). Which I find I attribute to my neck injury rather than anxiety. If I get too stressed I then have to have physio to pop things back, which seems to break the stress cycle and get things on track.

Anyone else have anything similar? The hardest part for me is breaking the anxiety-pain cycle.

margaret jones
13-02-10, 22:55
Yes kp i am just the same was pain free for a while and anxiety diminished by 50 per cent . Last 3 weeks back in pain and anxiety/ panic/depression all back twice as bad circle of Pain / Panic need to stop it need a life

Good Luck Margaret xxxx

14-02-10, 04:53
I honestly was reading your post and it felt like I had written it myself.

I fell over last may and injured my neck really bad, was in physio for 2 n a bit months and it healed really well. I then did something to it again whilst at the gym in Nov and the pain etc all came back.

This was the start of my panic and anxiety...

As a result of the neck damage I was having constant pain through my neck, achy shoulder and down my left arm I would be getting aching sensations.
Not to mention the 2 months of constant headaches.

Now back on the mend as the anxiety was holding me back from my neck healing, all the stress and tension I was getting no where and because I was getting no where with it I was getting more anxious and panicy.

I can say now, my neck is still sore but it is soooo much better and the pain is more isolated now in an area and feels more like a stretched muscle as opposed to that awful achy feel it used to have.

Hang in there, and continue to see you physio, dont just go back when it flares up, keep seeing them till it is healed. Even try an osteo as I saw on and they are quite good but have ended up back at the physio as I needed more strengthening exercises etc

All the best !!!

14-02-10, 18:14
Thanks for the replies. Is a bit of a comfort to know I'm not the only one.

Good luck both.

Lauz, thanks for replying. Am seeing a physio regularly and am seeing some improvement. As I guess you've found it can be a real up and down journey.

Margaret, hope the back heals soon. Having a bad back as well I know what a 'mare it can be. If you can get a good physio they're worth their weight in gold. Mine has helped me no end.