View Full Version : Sharp pains in forehead & numb feeling

13-02-10, 22:56
Hi i am new to this site but have already found it helpful, i have suffered from anxiety for many years sometimes get it under control but having a blip at the moment, i have been having stabbing pains in my forehead just on one side & it feels cold & face feels numb but isnt,i have been to docs who wasnt sure and when i go to the docs i dont feel reassured as feel that once they know you suffer from anxiety this is what they will always think it is & they will miss something, has anyone else experienced these sensastions i find it so difficult to understand how you body gets these new symptoms out of no where i then turn them into so much more & they are there for months and take over my life i am so fed up these new symptoms frighten you so much, i hate this anxious feeling, i have been thinking of trying Kalms as dont want to go down the medication route, i am waiting for cbt therapy. thankyou

13-02-10, 23:48
I know having anxiety is awful and you think something's wrong with you no matter what anyone says but doctors rarely miss serious signs of an illness despite the fact that they know you have anxiety.

Perhaps what you're getting are tension headaches or migraines - all of which can be caused or made much worse by anxiety.

Have you tried Rescue Remedy? I've found it much better than Kalms and you can buy it in the NMP shop or in Boots etc.

Welcome to the forum and hope you feel better soon.

13-02-10, 23:59
Hi and :welcome:to NMP ..To the left of the page is a list .If you click onto Symptoms you may find it really helpful and also quite suprising. Anxiety causes many symptoms which in turn, cause more anxiety .,Acceptance you are just suffering with anxiety is , usually the best place to begin with recovery.Im sure you will get a lot of help and support whilst you are here .The CBT will really help you .Good luck & take care ..Luv Sue x

14-02-10, 11:50
Thank you so much for your replys i am thinking of trying kalms or the rescue remedy, its good to know other people have the same feelings & also that people understand what you are going through. thanks

14-02-10, 15:05
Hey, just wanted to say I had the exact same thing for a couple of days last week. It was like a sharp stabbing pain in my forehead that kept coming and going. It is gone completely now so I can only guess it must have been anxiety or it wouldn't have gone away! xxx

14-02-10, 20:03
Just a quick note to say that I have had these pains and psuedo numbness over the years and still get them.I believe that mine are caused by getting a cold wind or draught on my head...then when I became conscious of them I would become really anxious and they would intensify. I know that they will go away now so do not worry the same so hope you can take some reassurance from my experience. Take care. XX

14-02-10, 22:55
Thankyou all your replies do help & is comforting to know people are trying to help as only my husband really knows what i go throught i hide it well in my day to day life, how i dont know,thanks again so glad i found this site