View Full Version : Tezzer here, hello!

13-02-10, 23:19
Well here I am. What can I say? Hmm ... I have been living with agoraphobia/panic attacks for a while now. It's like riding a rollercoaster, some days good some days bad. I find the worst times, for me, are the evenings, for panic, when I can dwell and think more on how I feel. Daytime is not so bad as I do hold down a job, and I can distract myself. But sitting at home I can easily set off a panic attack. Shops, hmm, not so good. I can dash in to where I want to go, as long as my car is not too far away. Cinema .. no, Pubs .. no, theatre? Well funny thing, I did manage, dont know how, but I did go to see Bucks Fizz at my local Corn Exchange Theatre last December 2009. God it was such an awsome feeling to be 'doing stuff'. I felt it was like a dream, scary but good. Bucks who? I here you say? Gee I am so old. But I did manage to meet Cheryl, Mike and Jay from the band. :yesyes:

13-02-10, 23:22
Hi tezzer

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
14-02-10, 11:59
Hi Terry and :welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;


:whistles:And now you really got to speed it up
And then you gotta slow it down
‘Cos if you believe that a love can hit the top
You gotta play around
But soon you will find that there comes a time
For making your mind up:whistles:....my age is showing too.


14-02-10, 13:26
A huge warm :welcome: to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

14-02-10, 14:19
Hi Tezzer, :)

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

14-02-10, 19:36
Hi Tezzer

I remember Bucks Fizz!

I also feel better when i have gone out (even though im alone when i do it). I find that the important thing is to keep doing it.