View Full Version : Jumping the Gun

Mr Parfect
14-02-10, 02:25
Ive been waiting on a list for CBT treatment for many months,as it is my only way forward to trying to combat the negative vicious cycle I find myself in.

At the start of Feb, I got a letter for the hospital.

Great!, I thought, and recently approached a Welfare Officer at my workplace to notify him of this appointment I would have to attend.

Later at home, I further analysed the letter I got. Ive to report to the Orthopedic outpatient department.....would people who are seeking CBT go to anything which is orthopedic?

I then remembered that I had dislocated my knee recently, and had been referred to a doctor at a hospital for some 'advice'.

In other words, I got myself mixed up with two different appointments, and now my work have got me in a meeting next week to discuss my reasons for a CBT assessment!

Because of my rash actions to notify, without thinking, Ive landed myself in a real pickle as my work now suspect something is wrong.

advice anyone?

14-02-10, 17:22
Firstly, I am guessing that you told your employer of this appointment because you felt that honesty was the best policy and you are right, you might aswell lay all your cards on the table. Even though you got confused by these two letters, it is obvious that your CBT letter is going to arrive eventually anyway so you were just warning them in advance. I think you should just not worry about this and attend the meeting next week, inform your employers briefly on your condition (you choose what you want them to know). Explain that this does not affect how you do your job or your ability to work hard and that you are working on your issues by requesting CBT therapy. Your work may have ways in which they can help you, as most companies in this day and age do. They can not be discriminitive of your anxiety and if they are it is against the law. I think it would be a good idea to get your union representitive to attend the meeting with you and if possible ask your doctor if he/she can give you a letter explaining about your condition. I dont think this is anything to worry about and you can climb back out of your pickle jar right now.
Secondly, there is a fantastic book out there callled 'Cognitive behaviour therapy for dummies' It is very good book to read while you are waiting for your appointment.

14-02-10, 19:14
Its a genuine mistake any 1 can make as pinkpiglet said get a letter from ur GP 2 explain and take some 1 in with u