View Full Version : Those of you ladies on the combined pill

14-02-10, 19:57
Can I ask those of you who are on the combined pill how long you have been on it? Have you had many side effects? Having health anxiety does it concern you being on it? (side effects etc..).

I am waiting for AF to arrive, she hasn't shown her face as yet, but I think she is due tomorrow, then I am starting the pill, loestrin 20. I have read the leaflet and BNF:winks: I am not too worried, just hoping it helps with my heavy periods and pains.

15-02-10, 10:19
I'm on Loestrin 30 and have been on it for nearly 3 years due to heavy painful periods.

The only side effects I've noticed is my boobs feel tender all month around and I can get a very mild form of what I would imagine is morning sickness (never been pregnant so don't know). They are common side effects though. Just take your tablet the same time everyday and always take it with food, that helps stop the nausea.

It's made my periods a lot lot lighter but I still get really bad pains for the first 2 days. I have to take cocodomol for the first 2 days and wear a heat pad on my stomach but I wouldn't stop taking the pill becaue even though I still get pains my periods are so much lighter.

I would definately take them, they can 3 cycles to settle down your periods but you usually notice the difference on your first period

15-02-10, 14:53
HI Cat,

Thanks for that . I am still waiting for my period to arrive, due anytime.

I really hope it works.

With me I just worry about the serious side effects, but I feel I need to take this.

16-02-10, 23:21
The biggest tip I can give is that I experience nausea because of my anxiety anyway, and I feel that taking the pill on a morning made this worse. It seemed to be much easier on my stomach and digestive system when i take it on an evening when I've got some food in me.
I always used to worry about DVT too, but that worry seems to have worn off after a while, and at every check up i seem too be fine so its all good :)
hope this helps

16-02-10, 23:26
Thanks so much:-)

I shall try taking it after food then.