View Full Version : do you know why yours started?

14-02-10, 20:15
your anxiety/panic attacks that is????

i have been suffering 10 years this year and i am still to try to pin point why mine started. its all very puzzling.

i remember at the time i was with my eldest daughters father and he was very bullying and controlling towards me and he used to tell me all about his ocd.

i was bullied at school and had to move schools but i would not of thought it would be because of this as surely it would of effected me around the time i was bullied but i was 'normal' for years after this.

i have 4 daughters and a husband and i really struggle doing the shopping and taking the kids to school (hubby usually does it) i feel as though i always have to have my husband with me when we go out anywhere even to a newsagents.

i hate being this way so much and i only wish i knew what caused me to be the way i have been for the past 10 years as hopefully then i could maybe try to move forward.

just wondering how many are like me and how many know the exact cause?


14-02-10, 20:45
Hi Mummy4

My first panic attack was when I was about 6 years old and that was over feeling my heartbeat when trying to sleep.
I have asked my mum if there were any events that could of started it back then and the only death (as I have HA when a death occurs!) was my great grandma, who died a few years before that. My father was quite awful to me, my brother and mum, so it could of been that! He was bullying etc and left us when I was nine.

Then it all started again when I was getting married again for the second time - (four years ago) which I put down to stress and the death of someone I knew (i took on the symptoms etc and all hell broke loose from there! Actual cause of that panic really, was that I had some skin tags removed and I was injected many many times with an anesthetic (spelling?) that I reacted with, that caused cluster migraines for a few months which set off more panic attacks! Its been an uphill struggle for four years, but I can stop the panic attacks. What I can't stop are the symptoms I get from month to month. I am reading the Claire Weekes book for nerves at the moment...so lets hope!!

14-02-10, 20:49
ah hun you have had it tough ((((hugs))) poor you.

by the way i have read that book and i can really see what she is saying to do it just takes a lot to put it into practice!

14-02-10, 21:19
Aww thanks for the hugs....thats really thoughtful of you. Its not been too bad along the way, compared to some people I know, my childhood was quite normal!!

About the Claire Weeks.....I did start it, or start to read it, my mind wanders and ive realised I haven't taken in anything! Now starting again, due to losing my page all the time!!! :ohmy: I did try the Linden Method, and Homeopathy!!! The Linden Method stopped the panic attacks, homeopathy was brilliant for the hours chat I got at each session, not sure if the remedies did anything :) Physiotherapy is good for me as its an instant relaxer.

Anyway....back to your post!!! I do think stress is a massive trigger, and I am a worrier at heart. I have even tried doing a timeline of events and seeing what stresses I had at the time - obviously have far too much time on my hands.:D

14-02-10, 21:23
hi mummy4
I had anxiety when i was a very lively 22 year old and my doctor told me to go away and get over it. 4 months later i saw another doc who gave me a drug called serenid - was on them f 2 years - never really worked out what the cause was but got over it had 3 kids began a professional career - got divorced re-married, got dog(long sterilised be this point) - took a promotion had a bstd of a boss and out of the blue the anxiety came back - 25 years later and have been struggling with it off and on ever since. Like you i have a great family and loving husband and don't really know why I can't kick it. Am going to see the local access team as soon as poss because i don't want to be forced to pack in the job i'm doing because of my own brain - hoping that they have the answers that i haven't. take care hope you get it sorted will chat again

14-02-10, 22:58
i have never tried the linden method.

really wish i could just 'snap out' of this and i would love to know what caused me to feel this way or trigger it

15-02-10, 09:04
The linden method cost (I thought) quite a bit of money, but it was when I was at my worst. It came with lots of meditation stuff and lots of talking, which I didn't feel I had time to listen as I am always on the go (In my thoughts!) The thing that stopped the actual panic attacks from being a whopper was to face it head on and tell it to do its worst. Amazingly it worked!!

I wish there was a switch that would turn it off, it drives me up the wall....its my heart again today!!! x