View Full Version : bit if a downer

14-02-10, 20:57
hi all

I think i'm on a downer at the moment - finding it difficult to be interested in anything, usual things not cheering me up. I haven't been sleeping very well for a couple of weeks, and when my bf and I tried to ...you know:winks: we had to give up half way through because my libido was zilch!

I just generally feel bit numb and i haven't really got anyone to talk to as I dont really have any friends that i can open up to with this stuff so a little advice or help would be appreciated.

I know i dont post much but im here almost everyday reading all your posts and you all seem so lovely - im just not very good at making friends i guess!

love anna xx

14-02-10, 21:55
and i can't even spell - i mean bit OF a downer - duh!

14-02-10, 22:49
Hi there
How u doing? I know what you mean re the libido! I am on 30mgs of citalopram for anxiety and it has become increasingly difficult "in that area!"....
Can u talk to your bf?
Do u suffer with depression or anything? or do you feel just "I can't be naffed!!!"
Let me know, or email me.
Emma x

14-02-10, 23:51
Hi Anna.

I don't know your history, but speaking as someone who suffers with depression, and a bloody headache at the moment too, let me take a quick stab at things.

I've learnt to ride-out the depression, so to speak, and accept it. In other words I'm mindful not to get caught in those guilt loops such as: Why can't I do this? Why do I feel this way? What's wrong me? Etc. It's something that takes time to achieve, but worth it because guilt and blame on top of depression will just make one sink lower. I still get depressed, and sometimes nothing will help, but finding some level of acceptance should help.

It's our body's way of saying, 'Hey, slow down. I think we need to talk!' :D

Perhaps use the time to think about what you have in life. Identify the good and bad points. And if you can't find the energy to make changes now, at least it might help you see the reasons for the way you're feeling.

In reference to sex, if your boyfriend cares about you, it'll be ok. Make sure you talk and allow him the chance to want to understand.

Perhaps the worst fear is feeling as if it'll never end. Depression slows down time. But there will be change ahead. There always is. One just has to be extra patient sometimes.

I'm not sure I've articulated this as best as I might (the headache), but I do feel for you. Depression, now matter how minor is horrible and does make one feel alone, but I and many others here at NMP are here to do what we can to help you through this. I won't kid you that it's always easy, but at least you're not completely alone. :)

Let us know how you're getting on.

16-02-10, 17:00
emma - thankyou for your reply. I cant really talk to bf about it as im a bit of a rubbish girlfriend as in we dont go out or go away at all, so i figure i should be ace in the bedroom but i cant even do that right!

Gary - your messege was perfectly articulated! Thank you for reminding me that this will pass - i know it always does but like you say time slows down rather and you can forget that! I think i just needed someone to talk to. My best friend moved away recently and i dont really have anyone to have a deep and meaninful with! Ive never needed to before because iv always had a therapist for that, but iv not had a therapist in 2 years now (they signed me off - how wrong they were!) i hate to burden people with this crap and usually have a cheery face on so my friends think im ok - i dont like them to have a bad time when they come and see me as they've made the effort!
Thankyou for listening to me - i just need an ear sometimes so thankyou for taking the time to rpely - it means a lot

Anna xxx

17-02-10, 22:12
hi Annabelle,
When you low you dont feel like brushing your hair never mind anything else. I would try to talk to your BF maybe just cuddles instead would be a start. You mentioned you dont go out much, is there a reason or is it just the way things are. Maybe (this is where you know i'm getting old!!!) a walk in the park holding hands, a nice take-away a good film will bring you back together. Do you think you need to see your doctor again, or this could just be a blip, the weathers been a b it dull and grey that could be affecting you. Also I'm on citalopram, but also take a high timed relase vit B complex and have noticed a difference, so that may be of some help.
Hope you feel better soon.
Angela :hugs:

17-02-10, 22:28
Hi Annabelle

Just wanted to send a hug... citalopram had that effect on me too... but Angela is absolutely right... do the romantic stuff and remind your bf that it is all worth it because you are..

Don't start to fret over it it will only make you feel worse, just try to laugh at the situation and eventually it will get better ... x

19-02-10, 04:26
i hate to burden people with this crap and usually have a cheery face on so my friends think im ok...

Yes, I'm pretty much the same, but then, it's at times like this we need our friends.

I would guess you'd like to know if they had a problem so you could try and help them?

You're allowed to think of yourself sometimes you know? It's ok. It really is. :yesyes:

19-02-10, 08:08
Hi anna

I would just like to say I totally agree with Gary, but don't ignore depression. I done the "I don't want to be a burden" thing and ended up being ill for longer than I should have.



19-02-10, 14:37
hey guys!

me and the bf are doing dinner and a movie (at home of course!) and have the whole evening together, no interuptions so hopefully my brain will co operate!

Gary - thats exactly what my bf says to me! Im to concerned with making sure everyone else is ok - usually at the expense of myself!

I've called the dr to get referred back to the mental health team - they signed me off 4 years ago as fine, despite having a panic attack in her office at the time! I think getting a bit of support again might help. I told my mum im having a strange couple of weeks and she said she'd noticed (mums know everything!)
Work isnt helping much - i only do a couple of hours a day , but one of the girls is being a complete **** and making the atmosphere very uncomfortable - not good when your feeling a bit sensitive!
Ho hum - soldier on until the veil lifts I suppose!

thankyou for your support though - it means a lot :flowers:

anna xx