View Full Version : Good News!

14-02-10, 21:31
Hi everybody.. haven't been around so much lately but I wanted to share my good news with you.

Although I didn't tell many people this, about a year and a half ago my sixteen year old son Ben was diagnosed with an enlarged aorta... a potentially very serious heart condition. On Friday top Cardiologists and Geneticists at the Royal Brompton in London told myself and Ben that there had previously been a mistake and because of his height (he is very tall) his aorta is in fact normal. To me this is like a miracle because now my boy can live his life with uncertainties hanging over his head.. he can go running and travel the World without worry.. i have sung a song and made a video for Ben if anybody wants to watch.

Hope everybody is ok....lots of love Mand x

14-02-10, 21:49
That is wonderful news and a wonderful song sung beautifully xx

14-02-10, 22:01
Thankyou... i just want people to know situations that may seem bleak can turn themselves round in the blink of an eye so nobody should ever give up hope x

14-02-10, 22:28
Thats wonderful news Mandy and something definitely worth celebrating...Ben must have felt a great weight being lifted .. hugs sent x

14-02-10, 22:39
Excellent news for you all.xxxxxxxxxx:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:: yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::y ahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::ya hoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: