View Full Version : Feel so alone I need help

15-02-10, 08:59
Hi I,m new to this,

I've been suffering from panic attacks for over ten years now and it has got to the point now where I can't go out. I have tried councelling, tablets everything but I still can't get rid of them. My familydot understand they think I'm beig stupid when I tell them I have panic attacks, and just tell me to get on with it. I have just lost my job, and I have to move and am feeling really scared cos I can't leave my house. I have a new boyfriend but he doesn't know anything cos I have hidden it from him, although I think he will notice soon as I have been avoiding going out places with him.

I really don't know what to do? I cry myself to sleep every night and sometmes wish that I didn't have to wake up in the morning, I can't go on living with this panic, and not going out?

Please somebody help x

15-02-10, 09:07
A Huge warm welcome to NMP,

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.
I'm sorry to hear about your job, and its difficult when family and friends don't understand what we suffer with.

When i first told my boyfriend about suffering with panic and agoraphobia, he went and googled it and read up on it, and was very understanding to it, maybe this is something you could do.

Do remember you are not alone with this and we all understand what you are feeling.

Check out the column on the left hand side, there is lots of information there to help you too.

best wishes

di xx

15-02-10, 09:38
Hi Skyeskye,
Big welcome to the site, I have only been a member for almost a week now and have found it has helped me enormously. It is a real shame that your family do not understand what you are going through and just tell you to get on with it. Alot of people that have not experienced panic/anxiety and depression dont understand. Perhaps you could get them to read up about it. I think it will help when you tell your new boyfriend too as the fact that he does not know is probably adding to your anxieties.

Rest assured you are not alone and as you make your way through the site and chat to others you will get comfort from that. Take care. Jo.x

15-02-10, 10:45
Thanks everyone for your posts, it makes me feel better knowing thier are other people I can talk to who understand me.


Mr Parfect
15-02-10, 20:02
Welcome to NMP!!!