View Full Version : Panic and anxiety at work

15-02-10, 09:50
I wondered if anyone else found that their panic attacks and general anxiety were worse at work, if so how do you cope with it? I was happy, confident and doing well at work until a few weeks ago when my panic attacks decided to come back with a vengeance, worse than I had ever had before. I went to my doctor who offered counselling etc and put me back on Citalopram which I had also taken a few years prior to treat depression. I don't normally feel anxious at home but I do at the moment which I believe to be a side affect of the drug as I have also experienced drowsiness and feeling sick.

I am fearful of having another panic attack at work as they really drain me and leave me feeling embarrassed although I don't think anyone realises I'm actually having a panic attack but I get shaky hands, pounding heart, can't concentrate, literally feel like I'm going mad and want to run away and then I get really cold, icy cold hands. In my early 20's my attacks used to leave me feeling hot and bothered and I didn't get the shaky hands thing but it's quite the opposite now. My doctor wants me to try counselling as there is obviously some deep rooted reason as to why this is happening again even though I felt generally happy. But I feel that panic has started to ruin my life again, I personally find it more crippling than depression. So I hope the Citalopram starts helping soon as at the moment I actually feel more on edge.

15-02-10, 16:03
Hi Pixie,

My doctor actually has me off work right now in order to find a way not to panic at work. I am on zoloft and now clonazapam but the most important goal I have for myself is to learn how to cope soon without this medication. I want to find out what works for other people other than cognitive behaviour therapy. I also need to work on my self esteem and stop needing other people's acceptance. I need to accept myself right now and move forward. I have a lot of homework to do but I feel I can do it and eventually I will get there!

16-02-10, 21:41
Hi Pixie,

I totally know where you're coming from on this one! I had to take a couple of weeks off work after christmas due to my anxiety coming back with a vengance, totally out of the blue (was on seroxat for three years, weaned myself off July 09 and had 6 months med free and thought i was very happy!) anyways, went back to work just over two weeks ago and felt like the meds were working again but ths week, boy what sheer hell, had all the symptoms you mentioned, felt like I was going to be sick, shaky legs and hands, headache, my mind doing ten to the dozen and wanting to run away every 5 minutes plus freezing cold one minute and hot the next! concentration virtually zero too.

The only way I cann get through the day is by telling myself its only my axiety and when the panicky feeling hit to just get up and walk about....like I was going to a filing cabinet or somewhere...sucking mints helped too, helps to distract your mind and helps with the nausea too

Having anxiety and panic feels like a terriblel burden, the physical symptoms seem to be worse than the mental ones at times but just remember you are not alone, I know this doesnt really help much when the panic/anxiety strikes but we're all in this together and tough as it may seem....we will get back on track and be happy confident people again!