View Full Version : Hi, I'm Keir and I've suffer from health anxiety and depression...

15-02-10, 15:06
Hi there,

Wanted to introduce myself... My name is Keir - I'm 26 years old and I've suffered with anxiety and depression since 2003, specifically with health anxiety... Nice to meet you all :)

I've always found it hard to be open about my problems with anyone other than my family (and struggle with them sometimes too) but want to make an effort to change that - hence my signing up to this forum.

Also, there always seems to be so many groups and resources and stuff in Bristol for panic attacks, phobias, depression etc... but the hypochondriacs seem to be nowhere to be seen! By signing up to this forum, I hope to make connections with other health anxiety sufferers, esp. those living in Bristol - sometimes I really feel alone with what is happening to me.

An update of where I am at - I've had 3 bad depressive episodes since 2003, and health anxiety throughout this time. The most recent depressive episode had me in hospital for a week (just before xmas 2009) and I'm been trying to find my feet since then. I'm doing ok and my family are supporting me alot.

I currently take 20mg of Cipralex in the morning, 30mg Mirtazapine at night and 3 or 4mg of Lorazepam a day. I am having CBT therapy once a week and see a psychiatrist with some regularity at The Priory (so painfully expensive). I've also been trying to build a good relationship with my local GP too.

I am a freelance web designer but I've currently turned down all contracts since Nov 2009 when I had the most recent episode... hoping to return to work as soon as I feel strong enough.

All the gloom aside, I used to be a happy, full-of-beans fun-loving guy with a great sense of humour. Unfortunately, it feels like my problems have gradually robbed me of who I once was. All those around me still perceive me to be the fun-loving guy they've always known, but it takes a great deal of effort to keep up that facade...

So, yeah, sorry for the essay but want to introduce myself and say hello. Hope to contribute usefully to the forum and I hope I can gain something from it too :)

Best, Keir

15-02-10, 15:09
Hi iamkeir

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-02-10, 15:11
Thank you diane07, will do - already making my way through some of them now :)

15-02-10, 18:38
Hi Keir
You are not alone anymore ! You have a new family of friends here at NMP!

15-02-10, 19:57

Mr Parfect
15-02-10, 20:10
Welcome to NMP!!!

15-02-10, 20:58
Quite new myself - wish i could work my way through this website let alone design one! take care the support is here for you.

15-02-10, 22:34
hi keir i am new my self i have found this forum a help already, i also suffer with health anxiety but now i know i am not alone even if it does feel like it best wishes to you x

15-02-10, 22:41
Hi Keir, I'm another new member and also suffer with health anxiety and panic attacks. You will find this site helpful to get you through those moments when you feel at your worst.

Jannie x x