View Full Version : Hi i am new and struggling at the moment

15-02-10, 15:39
Hi i am new to this site, i have suffered with anxiety health related issues for many years, most of them focus around headaches of different sorts as my main worry is being took away from my kids suddenly, i had sharp pains in my forehead last week & have been left with a numb feeling & cold feeling on my forehead been to docs am awaiting cbt therapy, i just cant seem to get my head around the physical symptoms anxiety brings on your body, if i have had them before i can deal with them but if it is new like this my irrational side turns it into so much more, just feel fed up with it all i wouldnt wish these feelings on my worst enemy, i`m really hoping this site can help. thanks xx

15-02-10, 15:47
Hi missworry

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-02-10, 16:06
hi im new here too, but wanted to let u know cbt is fantastic!! i have lived with this for 20 years now and find i focus on my phsical symptoms of panic alot always convinced the docs have got it wrong lol. but cbt has giving me lots of skills to help me cope, its not a cure but really helps u manage ur thoughts and feelings!!!! we all know how thoughts can run away when we r in a panic but cbt will help u control these and thats half the battle!!:D xx

15-02-10, 16:16
hi am new suffered with panic for 20years have good and bad days, but am so glad to have found this site!!!

Mr Parfect
15-02-10, 20:03
Welcome to NMP!!!

15-02-10, 21:13
Welcome I hope we can help! I have had 25 years away from anxiety - and 2and half years ago it jumped up and bit me again seems to come and go in different forms and it is these that i struggle with. It is a constant drain always trying to work out why by body feels odd - really hope we can help each other.

15-02-10, 22:27
My anxiety is all to do with my head, I have had every headache/sensation known to man everyday for the past 16 months I am exhausted as you can imagine!!! I'm currently undergoing CBT and feeling really optamisitc about how it will help. I can't wait to feel like I have a normal head again. xxx

15-02-10, 23:18
Thankyou so much for all your replies, i feel so much better just knowing that i am not alone, you could never explain the experiences we get to people who dont have anxiety the trouble is its something you dont talk about, i try to lead a normal life i must be a really good actress as even my family dont know how i suffer, i really hope i can help others too on here its amazing to read a thread and think i have been throught that, thankyou again xx

Veronica H
16-02-10, 01:33
:welcome:to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.
