View Full Version : lump left abdomen, help please.

15-02-10, 16:49
Hi, I've posted here before about a lump I have on my left abdomen.. I've been reading google pages about lumps in the place where I have it and they say it could be poo?? This lump comes and goes, sometimes it like a sausage shape and others its like a big ball I can only feel it when I'm laying down. I've just read a comment from a lady saying she had large blockage and her colon ruptured and now I'm terrified!!! I've had it for about 2 years and it comes and goes like I said and I don't really poo alot anyway so I'm hoping it is that and it's just cause I don't go to the toilet alot.. I went to the doctors and she just said she wanted to see it gone because she didn't know what it was, she was trying to push it down as if it was a hernia, but I can't just walk in and say its gone cause I need an appointment, I'm rambling but I am so scared.

I also will note that I don't really eat healthy and ever since I started eating fibre I have been going to the toilet alot more and it does go ever so often. Like now it isn't there, I'm just scared.. sometimes I can't cramps there and it feels bruised sometimes. Could anybody please help me :/

15-02-10, 17:29
Yes - i have just the same thing - it totally panics me whenever i feel it! i actually went as far as to pay for a private mri colonoscopy, which was clear. i'm told it's poo....... but it doesn't stop me freaking out whenever i find a lump. Like you, it's mostly suasage shaped, occasionaly more roundish, sometimes there, sometimes not, always in the lower left abdomen. it's so good to hear someone else has the same!

15-02-10, 18:38
Oh thank god. I have seen people with the same things, so i guess its a "normal" thing, but I was so worried I heard about polyps and stuff but apparently you can't feel those and I don't bleed or anything like that.

Cell block H fan
16-02-10, 08:11
Are you quite slim? My bosses daughter had something like this & the doc said its just where you're so slim, bigger people just wouldn't feel it! x

16-02-10, 12:47
Are you quite slim? My bosses daughter had something like this & the doc said its just where you're so slim, bigger people just wouldn't feel it! x

Yeah I'm a UK size 6/8. Thanks for that xx

17-05-12, 11:18
Hi, I've posted here before about a lump I have on my left abdomen.. I've been reading google pages about lumps in the place where I have it and they say it could be poo?? This lump comes and goes, sometimes it like a sausage shape and others its like a big ball I can only feel it when I'm laying down. I've just read a comment from a lady saying she had large blockage and her colon ruptured and now I'm terrified!!! I've had it for about 2 years and it comes and goes like I said and I don't really poo alot anyway so I'm hoping it is that and it's just cause I don't go to the toilet alot.. I went to the doctors and she just said she wanted to see it gone because she didn't know what it was, she was trying to push it down as if it was a hernia, but I can't just walk in and say its gone cause I need an appointment, I'm rambling but I am so scared.

I also will note that I don't really eat healthy and ever since I started eating fibre I have been going to the toilet alot more and it does go ever so often. Like now it isn't there, I'm just scared.. sometimes I can't cramps there and it feels bruised sometimes. Could anybody please help me :/

Hey there I have this problem, I was also told it is probably just my stool that I can just feel because I'm slim... Did you ever find out what it was?

12-11-12, 19:44
hi, i have TERRIBLE health anxieties and just saw this.

ive got a ride sided lower quadrant stomach lump that blows up before a bowel movement and then completely disappears when i go. it is most predominant when i need toilet.

i had blood tests incl. CA 125 and full blood count etc and all came back normal.

i have no other symptoms. ive lost 2 stone generally (from anxiety in a relationship that has now ended) and dont know if it was always there?

im due a scan on wednesday but i am terrified. does it sound a lot like you guys? x:weep:

13-11-12, 02:01
Naiya, are you thin?
I'm size 8 and can often feeling something tubular, squidgy and sausage shaped in my lower left abdomen, by my stomach.
At the time I felt it I was going through a major lymphoma scare (still am a bit) so I convinced myself it was either 1) a massive lymph node or 2) my spleen was swollen.

When I calmed down enough to try and think rationally about this, I realised that I could feel it much more prominently at certain times. It seemed to be at it's most squidgy and palpable at night time, early norming and when lying down. Based on this, I've realised I'm probably feeling something like my intestines/bowels. I do have IBS with chronic constipation so this makes sense.
I suspect what you can feel is the same. Anything nasty would surely be palpable all the time, not just at certain times or when you need the loo. It would also probabky be getting bigger too.

Now I haven't been to the doctor with this just yet (mainly because they are sick of the sight of me after I turned up convinced I had lymphoma practically every day :blush:) but I had my tummy checked earlier this year and a pelvic ultrasound in March about an unrelated problem, and nothing unusual was found.
I suspect this squidgy thing has always been there and I've noticed it recently due to my relentless lymph node hunting. :doh:

Good luck with the scan, I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

---------- Post added at 02:01 ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 ----------

Also, read this very useful link:

It helped me so much when I was freaking out about this very same thing!

13-11-12, 11:40
Hi Candy Floss,

I wouldnt say I was thin, I am now a size 12, but before I was a size 18 and carried a lot of weight around my stomach and i do look a LOT more thinner than I did this time last year.

How big does your lump or whatever it is feel? This morning wasnt as big as yesterday but now I can feel hard mass above my pubic bone and ive prodding away all over my stomach obsessively. think it's always been there but im so paranoid i cant tell.

I spend 24/7 worrying myself about this. I wont be able to sleep as I will have panic, anxiety and sweats because i am dreading tomorrow.

Did you not get scared when you had the scans etc? im embarrassed to say I get tearful and the shakes and they have to calm me down.

It's good that you are ok, why do you think that you still have lymphoma?


---------- Post added at 11:36 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

thank you for the link, btw, im going to look on it now. :D

---------- Post added at 11:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

oh, had a look at link (thank you), my swelling is on the right, the people on there are on the left!! x

13-11-12, 15:16
Had to say an exact size? Pretty damn big though. That's what makes me convinced it's an organ! I fail to see how any lump could grow to the size that this thing is without causing me any problems or pain before now.
Also, sometines I can trace the mass with my finger and it's less lump and more long and tubey. This again supports me theory that it's an intestine.
I know the link is for lumps on the left side (coz that's where mine is) but notice there are many people who say they can feel things and organs in their stomach and don't specify a particular side. For what it's worth, when I googled 'lumps in abdomen', there were far more people with a right side problem like yours, than left sided! I wouldn't advise you to google it though coz you know how Dr google scares far more than he reassures. :blush:
Oh and I have a lump area around my right hip bone that I've been told is just a lipoma.

Ahhh, the lymphoma thing? Where do I start?!
I am covered in swollen painless lymph nodes (not even exaggerating - there's about 8 in my neck and behind my ears) that refuse to go away.
ENT man says they are benign and that's the end of it, he refused me a scan or biopst. :weep:

As for scans? I don't get worried about the actual scans. It's waiting for the results that terrifies me. I jump every time the phone rings, convinced it's bad news from the hospital. :weep:

13-11-12, 15:34
hi, yeah, im the same. when i walk in and tell the docs etc im nervous they say 'oh the test is nothing to worry about' and i reply, 'i dont care about the test, it's the results.' it's like when they are doing the scan if their face gets serious or worried it makes me want to pass out from the fear, my blood drains from my whole body. :sad:

i hope they can give me some indication because i will be in a terrible state. when i had my bloods done i was very scared of results that i couldnt wait for the doctors phone call, if he did ring, that i had to go up to the surgery and wait for results as they were urgent ones. when they came back normal incl. ovarian cancer one i nearly cried with relief.

have you had blood tests and can you not insist on a second opinion?

13-11-12, 15:46
I had 3 blood tests within 3 months and they all came back fine.
As for a second opinion, I've literally been to see every doctor at the surgery about this problem, some more than once.
They all agree that small, soft, squidgy and moveable nodes are not a concern and that's that. I'm just supposed to go away and forget about it but you know that's impossible right? lol.
The minute any of the nodes start to grow (they've been the same size since February) I am back at the doctors.

The link I sent you is one I bookmarked purely because it was one of the only ones I could find that specified a left sided problem. Your right sided area is far more common and seems to be linked to toilet problems.
I'm no doctor but I really do think this is the same as what you are describing. I'd bet that it was there all along before you lost weight but you couldn't feel it then!

My parents always try to take my mind off waiting for results. They often take me shopping or for a nice meal. I am grateful for any distraction I can get really.
Good luck with the scan. :bighug1:

13-11-12, 16:59
thanks. fretting so much.

re your problem, i think if youve had blood tests that are all clear and all those tests and lots of doctors that have told you that you are in perfectly good health then take it for what it is, because you most definitely are.

of course they are bugging you as they are there and they dont make sense but perhaps that's just your body.

ugh, we hate the doctors and hospitals when we have these tests as if they are doing it to us but it's our own bloody bodies...oh, the irony!!

14-11-12, 17:03
hey, had it done, its a large fibroid. im relieved now xxx