View Full Version : I Bet Nobody Has Experienced This...

15-02-10, 19:17
Now, please bare with me as this is really hard to describe....

Its lightheadedness/dizzy feeling...Its not really constant...It tends to appear more in these sort of zaps or jolts...It seems to be linked to my breathing, when I breathe out I get this strange wave come over me...sometimes I feel sick when it happens..sometimes I feel like I could pass out or that something could happen....As Im trying to get to sleep, I keep getting jerked awake by these odd jolts..Not rly the same kinda ones most people here speak abt..its really strange...I have tinnitus and my ear feels bad...maybe its that? But im not sure....Ill be at the hospital tomorrow so I might pop into the emergency dept just to have a word with a doctor as its starting to worry me now because it just wont shift.

15-02-10, 19:28
If your ear feels bad, you may have a little ear infection. It would be a good idea to have the ER doc check it out.

20-02-10, 21:41
hi i know what you mean i have the same thing aswell it happens even when your not panicking weird jolts in the head jolting out of your sleep. is this the same as you. and your so right its hard to explain

20-02-10, 22:48
This probably won't actually help much but just thought I'd share my own experience. I get a similar thing - sudden jolts of dizzyness that usually last just a second or two. I have had them for around 20 year. I'm convinced it's an ear thing! 3 years ago I had labrynthitis, which was weeks of dizzyness and have since had positional vertigo that also caused dizzyness. I take stemitil (pholchlorperazine maleate) when it gets that bad. I also have mild tinnitus and feel like I have a 'fuzzy' head most of the time.

andrea thompson
20-02-10, 23:56
hiya hon...
about three months ago i was really bad with my anxiety and depression and when i went to sleep i used to get a loud buzz in my head that would startle me and wake me up... i looked it up think on here and i think its something to do with high stress biology... basically i think its because ou are tired and stressed your brain wont relax and and this is the result or one of the symptoms... mine has calmed down as my anxiety has faded... have you looked it up on here under symptoms.... did that make any sense... i hope this helps...
take care

andrea x x

21-02-10, 21:13

I have had head zaps - very scary! There is a thread on here somewhere which explains what they are

or like corrine said you may have an ear infection or something going on.

28-02-10, 06:45
thanks guys,

I dont seem to be getting the jolts as i try to sleep anymore!

BUT, still feel lightheaded/fuzzy with some mental confusion/brain fog too.

I think it may be tied into this visual thing I have..visual snow..anyone heard of it?
anyway, It started last november...Had MRI and eye test, both absolutely fine and when I had it back then at the start, I had symptoms like, dizzy spells and brain fog etc. I htink its all related to the fact I suffered with severe migraines with aura from the age of 13 to 22.

28-02-10, 08:07
About 10 years ago I had an extremely bad attack of labarynthitis which left me with what I now know were panic attacks. The constant dizziness I had was investigated and everything from an MRI for MS, inner ear problems and finally a neurologist could find nothing. It was suggested I was suffering from migraine without the pain. Unbelieveably the treatment was prozac! Months later someone with similar symptoms suggested treatment from a chiropractor. He found that the muscles in my neck were completely notted due to tension and anxiety. None of the medical experts had noticed that I held my head permanently over to the left because the muscles wouldn't let me straighten it. After many weeks of treatment he 'undid the knot' which enabled the blood to flow to my brain. Now any time I feel tense I get someone to massage my shoulders. It makes a huge difference. I am sure it will help.

28-02-10, 10:10
I suffer from brain zaps as well in my sleep which I used to have every night when my anxiety was at its height and I still get them from time to time. This often results in me having trouble getting back to sleep. I used to suffer from ear infections a lot when I was younger.

28-02-10, 11:29
my head buzzes sometimes when i try to go to sleep, dizzyness could be your ears or your blood pressure

28-02-10, 17:44
its nt my blood pressure...had it checked MANY times. Last time I gad it checked it was quite high but I was very anxious at the time. The time before I was actually praised by the doctor for having it at a good level.

01-03-10, 21:57
I had a few jolts last night while getting off to sleep!

One of them was HUUUGE! haha. dont really scare me as much now cos I know its just underlying anxiety.