View Full Version : Im a mess!

15-02-10, 21:19
Hi folks,
Great site I have used it many times but plucked up the courage to post!
I have a problem I hope you can help me with?
I was diagnosed with GAD about 20 years ago and have gone from one disaster to the next! I am now in a fantastic relationship and have a little boy who is nearly 2.

Life is good except for this anxiety!

It all started around christmas when i developed Globus a problem I havent suffered with for a while, That has now gone on to a swallowing difficulty whilst eating, I seem to focus in on swallowing??
I can swallow food ok i just feel it slide down and sometimes it feels like its not gonna go, or that its gonna stick???
Coupled with this i have a feeling of trapped air in my throat and strange neck pains, dry sore throat pains etc?
Being a long term sufferer of GAD Im trying to tell myself that this is anxiety related but I have those familiar nagging doubts???
Its starting to get a hold, your thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.

15-02-10, 21:53
It is very likely to be anxiety - just as you said! I spent 3 months many years ago(before docs cared about young people with anxiety) getting through the day's work sucking opal fruits just to make sure i was swallowing. I would still go to docs to make sure no physiological probs. They can only tell you what you probably know already - it will pass, but no nice -good luck go to docs:)

15-02-10, 23:00
I'm afraid I can't really help you particularly mate, but I'm intrigued to know if it's the same thing I get when I'm freaking out particularly badly (not so often these days fortunately).

I get it where I feel like I'm swallowing the dangly bit between the tonsils, and I swear I can feel it sliding down my throat then pulling slowly back up again, feeling like it's going to rip off.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about it over the years and all I can think is that the throat muscles are inflamed or something, and they're taking their time to get back into the correct position once the swallow reflex starts. Does that sound similar or not? It's horrendous, running round in a panic trying to drink stuff and looking in the mirror to see if I've swallowed the dangly thing or not...

I sincerely hope it improves for you mate, the only thing I've found that helps is distraction - computer games or south park - something you know you will enjoy!


pussy cat
15-02-10, 23:50
what your feeling with the swallowing is almost certainly anxiety - it,s a common feeling that a lot of us get from time to time,i know it,s frightening & the tension in your body just makes it worse - try anything to occupy your mind & it will ease - good luck xx:winks:

16-02-10, 12:50
Thanks for all your replies, it just helps to have your thoughts confirmed.
I hoping with my long history of GAD I can offer some assistance to the forum.:D

16-02-10, 19:19
Hi. I to have experienced this, and it is not nice at all and no joke. I believed myself that i had throat cancer as it kept feeling like there was something stuck in my throat. I could not swallow properly and i constantly had a sore throat. After making at least ten trips to the doctors about this it eventually went away. Never fully as i still always have a sore throat and what i have to keep telling myself is that anxciety has alot of nasty symptoms and this is one of them. I hope this helps xx