View Full Version : new to this site

15-02-10, 22:41
Hi I'm new to this site, though I've suffered with anxiety for many years. I;m 37, married and two children 12 n 9 yrs. My husband and kids are great and do help me through, but sometimes I feel like I really put on them. They don't need to listen to my endless questions just because I need more and more reassurance. I am having a really bad time at moment, even though I am on meds. I just feel like I can't cope with everyday life and need to run away.

Would like to hear from anyone who's going through the same, as even though I know there are others out there it feels like i'm alone.


15-02-10, 22:42
Hi NickyT

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-02-10, 23:35
Welcome to NMP Nicky!

There will be lots of people that are going through the same thing that can reassure and advise you :) There is lots of good information on this site that helps :)

I am not married and dont have children so not sure how I can help but I do understand what you mean by putting on people..always feeling guilty...I get that with my Mum and friends but the thing is you would do it for them wouldnt you without a seconds thought and they will be thinking the same :) You're lucky to have such a good support network :)

Candy xxxx

Veronica H
16-02-10, 01:32
:welcome:to NMP Nicky. glad that you have found us.


Vanilla Sky
16-02-10, 10:19
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

16-02-10, 13:42
Hi NickyT, :)

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

17-02-10, 20:12
Hi there. I'm in exactly the same situation..2 fabulous kids, a great husband and an incessant need for reassurance about my health...can you take alook at this?...at that?..have you ever seen something like this before? sometimes I can't believe he puts up with it! Got to do something about it tho cause my little girl is starting to copy my behaviour. Dont think youre alone and that its not something we cant deal with....went through pregnancy and childbirth didnt we?!

17-02-10, 20:38
Hi Nicky,

I am new too!

I have similar problems, I constantly need to have reassurance, whether its at work, at home etc.

I suffer with GAD and have done for about 4 years, however the last 2 years have been the toughest. I feel like I am going to pass out when I am in crowded or cramped conditions, or if I am rushed and although I can hide it from people its always there.

I also feel very guilty and if I open up to someone who then shrugs off what I am saying or makes out that I am selfish I feel horrible and it takes me a long time to get over it.

Desperately need CBT, but its not available on the NHS in my area...so they say...and I cant afford to pay £40 a session! Therefore I feel really lost and down at the moment.

Just booked a holiday and feel like I wont be able to go...because of the whole panic/feeling faint issue. I dont want to get away and become so ill that I ruin everyone elses holiday :weep:

Its nice to know there are others who feel the same, sometimes I feel so alone
