View Full Version : Feeling Lost!

16-02-10, 00:57
Last Friday, I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors about anxiety and panic attacks that I have suffered for years. It had recently got the worse it's ever been so I finally told a friend who got me to go to the doctor. I feel generally stressed all day and particularely at night, I can't get to sleep - my thoughts race so much that I don't even know what I'm worried about and I get panicky. It happens during the day too but just worse at night or when I'm not around other people. I miss so many lectures and have handed in essays late etc because of it.
Anyways my dilemma - I went to the doctor and he offered me either to go on citalopram or to see a university councillor. He said it was my choice - i wasnt sure about taking drugs so I was going to try councilling first but when I contacted my university - they said i have to go on a very long waiting list to see someone. Im so frustrated and feel so lost. My degree is going down the drain, the longer this continues so I'm now thinking of taking the drug but still not sure. Anyone got any advice?

Veronica H
16-02-10, 01:20
:welcome:to NMP. While you are waiting for counselling,there is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;


I take 10mg of Citalopram and I find it lifts my mood enough to keep me out of depression. Make sure your lecturers are aware that you are struggling and accept as much help as you can get in the coming weeks while your nerves recover.


16-02-10, 01:51
Hi Briggers.

I was in a very similar situation to you when I was at university. Informing my tutors about my panic attacks and anxiety was the best thing I ever did. They were so supportive and very understanding when it came to not being able to hand work in on time or not being able to attend lectures when the anxiety was bad. They may be able to point you in the direction of someone else in the uni who could help you. At the uni I attended we had a centre where there was a nurse you could speak to, relaxation classes etc. I would never have known about it if it wasn't for a tutor mentioning it. Have a look on the uni website to see if there is anything else available.

In my last year I did try medication because I couldn't sleep or concentrate on any of my work. They can make a difference and you don't have to take them forever.

Hoped that has helped a little. :)

16-02-10, 02:51
My anxiety has killed my school work before too and I had to do something about it right away to save what I had left. I would look into other counselors if you do not feel comfortable with medication. It is more benefitual if you go to counseling with an aide of med. though.
Good luck and stay focused!