View Full Version : hello! My first thread! Job interview friday. GULP!

16-02-10, 01:44
Hello! Anyone out there have a fear of job interviews? Any hints or stories? I have a job interview on Friday and I'm convinced I'm going to have a panic attack as I have suffered them before in some stressful social situations and worried it may happen at interview. Thanks for reading!:)

16-02-10, 09:07
Welcome to NMP Freakout :)

You will get loads of help and tips on the forum :)

Personally I am scared of interviews but who isnt? You will be fine :) Once you get in there and get talking to them you will feel a lot more comfortable...I find that its just the going in part and when they great you warmly you relax :) Its the anticipation more than the interview! You'll be great im sure and just remember its not the end of the world :)

Good Luck and Welcome
Candy x

16-02-10, 12:23
I don't mean to sound like a tool here, but I've managed to overcome my fear of interviews now.

I used to be absolutely petrified like any normal person would be, and obviously there is still an element of nerves.

However, I look at it this way now: It's a challenge. If I go in there all nervous and stammering, they won't think "Awww bless, he's a bit nervous, let's give him the job"

Employers need confident people who can execute their tasks efficiently and effectively - do your research on the company so you can talk with confidence about what they do, and what you can bring to the table.

You need to show them that you are what they need, but without being cocky - sell yourself openly, promote the things you're good at and refer to things you're not so good at as ongoing development points that you're looking forward to improving even further.

I know this sounds really cliché and probably no help, but I fake confidence. Even if I'm petrified, from the second I shake their hand to the second I leave, I forget that I look like a 12yr old (I'm 24 and look nowhere near it), and that I have a baby face and blue eyes - I go in there and tell them exactly what I can do, and why I can do it. I then relate it specifically to the role in hand clearly, so it doesn't look like I'm just stringing along over-used interview techniques.

Have you got a copy of the job role specification? I can't explain enough how important it is to know this inside out! Also, smile a lot and make eye contact :) Personality is essential to most jobs - employers will have a certain type of person in mind. I've known Maths PHD graduates who are unemployable because they have no social awareness whatsoever - academia and experience isn't everything.

Nerves are fine - they're healthy and people without any nerves whatsoever tend to come across as arrogant, which is just as bad as a nervous wreck in my opinion.

Be yourself, believe in what you can do, and convince them that you are the right choice for the job.

Best of luck with it, and remember, if it doesn't go as well as you'd like, it's all down to experience and you will have learned more things for your next interview - there's no such thing as bad experience :)


Vanilla Sky
16-02-10, 13:16
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

16-02-10, 15:31

You could try the technique that i use all the time for uncomfortable situations like this.
I imagine everyone in their underwear. I Don't know why but it just makes them seem a little less intimadating. Well it did with me anyway.

Good Luck :winks:

17-02-10, 00:10
Hey! I just want to thank all of you for reading and a special thanks to everyone who replied! It has helped! Honest! Thankyou so much. I'll definitely get back on the outcome..... Cheers! :yahoo: