View Full Version : Therapy.

16-02-10, 02:45
Well I went to my first therapy session in about two years tonight. It was so hard to try to explain why I was in there again and honestly embarassing with how I couldn't explain it. Eventually I settle with whatever my couneslor tells me what she thinks my problem is when I don't feel that really is the issue. Feeling this way makes me not want to waste anymore time just sitting in that room for an hour and yapping about nothing. She told me she wants me to continue to come in weekly which I wasn't really expecting but yet it gives me some hope that this time I will get my obsessive thoughts to stop.
I told her at the very end of the session that I was kind of holding back out of embarassment and that I figured it was best for me to write what I want to talk about and what I am feeling down to remember what's bothering me most. I felt more relieved when she said that she would read it to herself if I wanted her to so it wouldn't be as embarassing.
I just really hope this round will get through to me.

16-02-10, 22:11
Hi, awkward counselling sessions are horrible. You can ring the Samaritans any time to get used to speaking to strangers about your problems. If writing your problems down helps you should try it in your spare time and leave it with your counsellor to read through. You might be handing them a treasure-trove of useful information about your problems.

17-02-10, 10:06
Well having been reffered to the IPAT team for CBT, I had my assessment part 2 yesterday and the therapist tells me that he & his supervisor do not feel that cbt will be of any help to me as my moods are much lower than what cbt is aimed for.

17-02-10, 15:04
Well I went to my first therapy session in about two years tonight. It was so hard to try to explain why I was in there again and honestly embarassing with how I couldn't explain it. Eventually I settle with whatever my couneslor tells me what she thinks my problem is when I don't feel that really is the issue. Feeling this way makes me not want to waste anymore time just sitting in that room for an hour and yap.

I hope the following might help from someone who has sat on both sides of therapy...

1. Why feel so bad about being there again? Imagine if you had something like a recurring throat infection - would you feel bad about going back and telling how things were for you?

2. Do you feel you have a collaborative working relationship with your counseller? Is that their style? Have you discussed what might help/probably wouldn't help for you? Is that the way your counsellor works?

3. Don't ever, ever feel you are in a position with any counsellor/therapist that they don't understand. Tell them. There can be misunderstandings on either side, and this should be grounds for more, rather than less, discussion.

My best wishes to you.