View Full Version : Nerve endings feels like they are on fire

16-02-10, 09:16
Hi there. This is my first posting on the forum, despite having read some valuable info on the website over the last 6 weeks. I had my first panick attack in November and have since suffered from both panick attacks and a constant heightened level of anxiety. I am currently doing CBT, which is difficult, but seems to help as it has given me the confidence that I can deal with the symptoms (at times). Over the last 2-3 weeks I have had times when I felt that all my nerve endings in my entire body (head, back, face, teeth, legs, feet, arms, hands) were all on fire. This has brought me to the point where I have given in to taking Citalopram, which I started on Saturday. Last night things got messy and my body felt like it was on FIRE and then went in to shivering from the cold 5 minutes after until I could warm myself and the cycle repeated itself several times over about an hour and a half. This morning I am back with the same feelings and haven't taken the citalopram yet (have been taking it in the morning after breakfast).

I just feel so lost as I don't know if there is something bigger wrong with me or if this feeling of burning nerve endings is common and despite knowing that Citalopram does make things worse for the first couple of weeks I am just not sure whether this is a very negative side effect, which means I should stop taking it or if this is part and parcel of my new found anxiety journey???

I would be so very grateful if someone can shed some light on this for me please!


16-02-10, 12:59
Hi Sti,
I had a similar problem to this with nerve endings mine felt like they were itching under the skin,
Do you find that if you can focus on something else the feelings dissapear?
Also the citalopram ( I took 40mgs for about 12 years ) it worked best for me at night time??
Im not a doctor though, I just found it didnt tie your stomach in knots at night, it can be a bit harsh on the digestive system when you first start taking it.... Also a point to remember sometimes anti depressants can heighten anxiety for the first week or so until they are in your system, hope thats helped.

16-02-10, 19:11
Hi there. I just want to say that this is a completley normal feeling. I myself have gotten use to the burning sensations. I no its not nice but no you are not alone and i promise its your anxciety and nothing else. The moment you forget about it, it will go.. Iv had burning arms, neck, fingers the lot. But please try and not panic as it is your anxciety and it will go. Hope this helps hun xxx

16-02-10, 19:25
Thanks for the replies, it is good to hear other people experience this burning. It just feels insane to feel your entire body, including ears and everything else on fire all at the same time. So now I am not sure how you change taking your tablet at night as I have been taking it in the morning. Do I just go tomorrow without taking the tablet and then take it tomorrow night? Also the burning seemed to get less today once I took the tablet, but then it brought many other symptoms including feeling very very low. I am purely taking Citalopram for anxiety and not for depression, but today is the first day I felt a little suicidal. Again is this common? It would be so good to hear your views.

Dee dee
16-02-10, 20:59
Hi all, I am new here and would like to say I suffered from the horrendous burning sensations over christmas and constant chronic feelings of anxiety. It was so bad that I had to ask my ex husband to care for the children for a few wks as I didn want them to see how I was. It all started with tingling sensations in my legs and one arm and this started to make me feel anxious and it escalated out of control. I began to feel paranoid and thought I was loosing my mind. I went to see a doctor, I was frantic, my body felt as though it was on fire all the time, I couldnt eat or sleep....I felt as though I was living a knightmare, so scared all the time and because of these feeling I became very depressed and just wanted to end it but would never have gone through with it. The doctor assured me I wasnt mad and that my racing thoughts etc was all just anxiety, I never knew anxiety could present itself so viciously. Anyway he started me on 10mg of cipralex and after about 3 wks the anxiety slowly started to subside and gave me the strength to just go with these bodily sensations. I still get the odd tingle or my hand will feel like I have burnt it but it's so much better now. I think if u accept these feelings are just sensations and try to ignore them they do subside (atleast they seem to have in my case) I imagine the cipralex is helping though. :-)

anx mum
16-02-10, 21:07
Ive had this its horribe, had it neck,spine mainly it did go in the end put it down 2 severe anxiety which affeced my nervous system.

17-02-10, 01:05
Hi Sti,
I really think if your feeling that low you should nip and see your gp, citalapram may not suit you, there are lots of other ssri's out there.
Take care of yourself.