View Full Version : Worrying About Health Again!

03-01-06, 13:35

I just got over a severe case of Health Anxiety, I was getting hot all the time and feared it was some kind of cancer. Now I am getting a lower back ache and pelvic pain and of course my first thought is I must go to the Emergency Room to make sure it's not cancer. I have had these symptoms before and it was either nothing or a small non-cancerous cyst. Why am I freaking out this time. I thought I was doing so well - can anyone relate??

Please help.

03-01-06, 14:06
hi crazy i myself have terrible health anxiety and have had your symptoms many times doctor told me its tension and the hot feeling is your adreniline going up and down.it is a awfull thing to go through but i promise you a lot of people have had similiar symptoms .its funny how i can be logical with other people but never myself.please try not to worry and try and focus on something else. take care marcia

marcia lowe

03-01-06, 14:49
*of course my first thought is I must go to the Emergency Room to make sure it's not cancer*

What would you be looking for an emergency room to do ?

Cancer is something that needs careful looking into with some tests and a good exam- none of which you would get at an emerg room as it is non life critical today or even this week which is what they are there to concentrate on.

Back ache and pelvic pain can cover a multitude of extremely minor things too from muscle tiredness to arthritic changes passing through womens bit areas as well as gut stuff - none of which are cancer indicators.

You would be best off seeing your primary physician who has your previous records if the sensations don't pass in a few days

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-01-06, 15:50
thanks for replying, I know you are right, but it's good to get the reassurance.

03-01-06, 18:00
Hi Crazy

I don't know how old you are, but getting hot could be due to the menopause flushes or sweats...just a thought!

04-01-06, 20:44
Hi Crazy,

I could of written your post myself, these are the symptoms, im getting at the moment. Again, I have had them before. Maybe mid cycle??

Its annoying isnt it, because when I get over my immediate health anxieties, I then wonder what will happen to me, and think that I will get cancer in the end (cancer is my main fear) Imagining how, it will be, how I will cope (or not). I really dont know how to help you in the sense of getting over this, as I dont see how I will. I think it will always be a fear? ( i dont know ). I just wanted to let you know that you are certainly not on your own.

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

13-01-06, 23:42
crazycool how did you overcome your first major health anxiety been struggling for four years with mine cant bring an end to this constant worry. feel sure it will kill me. nice to feel not so alone thanks for that