View Full Version : Mind block and forgetting things?

16-02-10, 12:40
Recently i have been getting these mind blocks. Its like for instance when i needed to phone my mum yesturday i just couldnt remember her number? Although iv been ringing the same number for like 6 years. I just couldnt think of it at all. It really made me worry thinking omg im goingmad and im going to forget everyone and everything. I keep trying to say the number in my head but i keep getting like different numbers or mind block? Is this my anxciety? Iv suffered with anxciety for 3 years and have many symptons that i will probably be able to put alot of you at rest but this i havent. Please help x

16-02-10, 12:56
Hi Sammie.

You are definitely not going mad, mind blocks can be a symptom of anxiety. I forget numbers and sometimes I can forget names too. In particularly stressful situations like exams and interviews my mind goes blank. Sometimes I can forget what I'm talking about when I'm mid conversation with friends. If someone asked me to recall something I had just read I probably wouldn't be able to recall much of it. At the moment I seem to have the memory of a goldfish! :(

16-02-10, 13:56
I've worried about this a lot in the past too but have come to recignise it as another symptom of anxiety.

Just at the weekend I couldn't remember my internet banking logon, which I've known for almost 10 years. I panicked for a few minutes then turned my attention to something alse and when I least expected it, it popped back into my head. It's mad but I think it's evidence of too much going on in your mind and not fully concentrating on the task in mind.


16-02-10, 16:54
Thankyou you 2 its nice to no we are not alone with this :)