View Full Version : Cipralex and Libido

16-02-10, 17:52
Evening all,

Never used a forum before but hoping someone could give me some advice. I am a 35 year old female in a long term relationship. I have been on Cipralex for nearly a year now since my dad passed away etc, I started on 15 then 10mg and now down to 5mg.

The main side affect that I have had and am still having is a total loss of libido, I almost feel numb from the waste down. I have no sensitivity and no sexual desire, I love and fancy my partner but this has killed the sex side of things and its getting me down

Does this get better once stopped the drug??? And has anyone else suffered this much?

Wishing you all well tonight

16-02-10, 17:53
Hi Global2010

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-02-10, 19:18
Evening all,

Never used a forum before but hoping someone could give me some advice. I am a 35 year old female in a long term relationship. I have been on Cipralex for nearly a year now since my dad passed away etc, I started on 15 then 10mg and now down to 5mg.

The main side affect that I have had and am still having is a total loss of libido, I almost feel numb from the waste down. I have no sensitivity and no sexual desire, I love and fancy my partner but this has killed the sex side of things and its getting me down

Does this get better once stopped the drug??? And has anyone else suffered this much?

Wishing you all well tonight

I'm drawn to reply to this thread as I was in my car not two hours ago thinking of making a thread on Escitalopram and libido for the same reason. How creepy, but reassuring.

Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about your dad - I can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling but you're in good company on these boards.

My libido took a nose dive 5yrs ago when I started on these things, and ever since then I've had problems getting myself in the mood - much to my other half's annoyance.

It got to the point where I had to concentrate, focus really hard on keeping in the mood... if you get my meaning.

So I'm assuming there's something chemical going on that affects you negatively in that respect, so I think it's totally normal and an unfortunate side effect. I'm sure your other half will understand if you explain that it's a listed side effect. Google side effects of it, it's one of the most common.

Watch more porn, shower together, spend more time "Building up" or something - it helps but if you're not in the mood, you're not in the mood.

Focus more on spending time together; DVDs, cooking together, just keeping it all healthy and things will pan out just fine.

Hope you're feeling ok


16-02-10, 19:27
Hi Matt
Thank u so much for your reply its very comforting, even though your a guy and I am a girl LOL but its libido the world over.
Yes very Sad we lost Dad and my uncle ( his brother) within days of each other from cancer, all very sudden and I miss him everyday,
At the same time I started a new job, got bullied, insomnia and was a mess!! that was a year and half ago and in March last year I was put on Cipralex.
Awful when I started out, the side effects were Awful!! but i stuck with them and they have done wanders..
I am in the process of reducing them and in 3 weeks should be off them??
I have no idea how I will feel.. Hoping it will be easy?

My partner is so understanding, we kiss, cuddle, cook and do amazing things together but i feel half a women coz i dont want sex.... its horrid... they never told me that there was such a strong side affect and when i am in the mood, you cant even orgasm!!

Your other half I am sure is very understanding, are you on them long term Matt..?
This forum is a god send to just speak to people that understand.

Hope your feeling ok too

16-02-10, 19:28
PS meant to say that i havent been in the mood for sex for so long I almost have it in my head that this is it forever.. Arhh its just not good.
Maybe its just about trying a bit harder eh Matt

16-02-10, 19:28
Its the same with me. I was fine until I started on cipralex just before Christmas, now all I want to do is read and then go to sleep. I love my husband and he's very good about it but I dont feel any desire whatsoever

16-02-10, 19:31
I went on them at 19, I'm now 24 and took my last one on friday just gone, which is why I joined here :)

Rattling quite badly today, the main thing I get is the blurred vision/dizziness/brain shocks - I reckon you'll get the brain shocks but they're not unpleasant as such, just quite weird. It's like a soft buzz/tingle for a few seconds.

You'll be fine quite quickly after you come off them, apparently. I've had these effects a couple of times before when I've messed up meds/missed prescriptions, so I expected it really. Moodswings are quite bad too; you go from knackered, to depressed, to raging with anger, to tears, then back to laughter and smiles all in the space of an hour or less. Weird but you just ride it out and try to remember it's the meds.

Keep us informed, I'm glad they sorted your head out - totally turned my life around since I went on them and now virtually nothing scares me.


16-02-10, 19:32
Hi Lindor, nice to hear from you, your not alone at all.
What mg are you taking?? i was the same on 15mg 10mg and even 5mg.
I can go for weeks and not even think about it, nothing there at all
my partner is amazing and i fancy him and love him but reading and sleeping is all I want to do too
how are you finding them otherwise?

16-02-10, 19:35
Hi Matt
Ahh so we in the same boat did you come off them slowly? I am doing 5mg every other day then 5mg every 3 days for 3 weeks?
I didnt get any side affects reducing them but am i to expect side affects stopping??
Not sure I can handle that if I am honest, Started new job and been there 6 months they know nothing about my situation and meds and dont want them too.
Wish you all the best with you coming off them too Matt

16-02-10, 19:39
I'm on 10mg.
They have helped me a ggreat deal althoughI do find I get drowsier and lazier..lol

16-02-10, 19:40
Its early days it does take a while for them to kick in and you will feel less tired. i felt the same but your body does cope.

31-03-10, 05:19
I was so depressed I did not feel the taste of food and I had no libido. So I do not know about this side affect as I couldn't experience it. But after starting reducing it I have more libido, and when I skipped on a tabelt by mistake or "untake" I was more sexually "irretable" :yahoo:

Good luck all,

31-03-10, 09:43
ahahahaa I shouldn't laugh, but the term "sexually irritable" is quite hot - thanks for the image!


07-05-12, 15:06
I am 23, just started taking them about 2 months ago, and I am dead from the waist down, I DO think about my BF and I miss him but once we start to fool around nothing happens. This got worse since I started taking Cypralex the depression was hindering it too.
I see you all started at 15mg and have been going down, my doc started me at 10mg and then cause NOT everyday was a depression free day he put me up to 20mg which makes me ache when I get up in the morning. I dont know why but I get furious when I have to take them too, I dread every night when I have to take the pills, no idea why though.

11-05-12, 17:27
Hi - sorry, I've been on holiday and only just saw this.

Difficult situation - the only answer I can think of is to drop back down to something like 10mg and just see how you get on.

Having no libido can really affect a relationship obviously, but if your fella is completely supportive I'm sure he'll cope - after all, as frustrating as it is not getting a seeing to when required, he should be happy to know that the meds you're on are hopefully going to fix you long-term.

It's going to be frustrating at times, but if it helps you deal with the anxiety, it's definitely worth it. I've been off the meds for years now and I don't regret a single week of being on then.

Best of luck, hope you get on ok!


I am 23, just started taking them about 2 months ago, and I am dead from the waist down, I DO think about my BF and I miss him but once we start to fool around nothing happens. This got worse since I started taking Cypralex the depression was hindering it too.
I see you all started at 15mg and have been going down, my doc started me at 10mg and then cause NOT everyday was a depression free day he put me up to 20mg which makes me ache when I get up in the morning. I dont know why but I get furious when I have to take them too, I dread every night when I have to take the pills, no idea why though.