View Full Version : MS fear and weird sensory symptoms

16-02-10, 18:55
Hi all,

I've posted on another form, but thought I'd show up here too. I write in hope of firstly, getting ressurance, and secondly, telling my story to reassure ohers.

Just before Christmas (19th December) I woke up with wierd pins and needles in my feet. Within hours it had spread to my hands. Dr. Google told me I had MS. I spent a lovely long weekend in Brighton trying to ignore it (unsuccessfully) and silently worrying, and when I got back home I mentally collapsed.

Since then it has turned to burning sensations, pins and needles (quite painful, like 100s of prickles), and weird tingling. It crept up one leg about three weeks later. Then moved to my face and scalp. I have burning on my face as we speak, and the tingling is still in my hands and feet. I randomly get it on other parts of my trunk now too.

Ocassionally something will buzz, like a finger, or part of my leg. And sometimes I get a weird chill down my spine.

These symptoms have not let up since December. They have been there EVERY DAY. I have been crying non stop for nearly 10 weeks. I am exhausted, and terrified.

I went to the GP (2 actually), they suggested that I have anxiety. I did not believe them and demanded to be reffered to a neurologist (thank God for Bupa) becuase I was so worked up. I literally sat in the GP's office trembling and shaking and crying.

So the neurologist tested me. I told him about how my symptoms get worse in the bath, about the cramps I get, the twitiching, how it's just CONSTANT.

He was certain that it was anxiety too, and sent me for an EMG, Blood test, and an MRI just to ease my mind. Guess what? Both came back absoloutley fine "there is no evidence of any white matter lesions". He said that I have to "ignore the symptoms" and they will go away.

"You are the healthiest person I have seen in a month, I see about 30 people a month just like you, normally there's a little something in the blood test that is nothing to worry about, but you are straight down the middle. Your MRI is fine, your EMG is fine, I am certain - 100% sure you don't have MS, you just have anxiety. Your senses are heightened, the mind and body are not two seperate entities. It's like you have your sensory amplifier on and we have to turn it down."

He said he didn't want to medicate me because normally the reassurance is enough, that I should see him again in 2 months. This was all around the 3rd week of January.

We now move on a month. Well guess what? The symptoms still persist. I can't ignore them, and I'm still TERRIFIED I have MS even though I've had all the tests. Partly, becuse i'm a 26 year old girl (just the right sex and age), and partly becuase I STUPIDLY spoke to someone who actually had MS (who happend to post on a forum I am a member of), who's first MRI happend to be clean.

I'm still crying every day. I'm STILL exhausted. And the symptoms STILL don't let up.

I know the likely hood of me having MS with a clean MRI, 3 health professionals telling me otherwise, AND an anxiety disorder is so rare (I've been suffering with panic attacks since I was 18), but I just cannot seem to shift these horrible thoughts.

I realise that the symptoms probably won't go until I first accept the diagnosis properly, then ignore the symptoms - wihtout asking myslef how and why, but it's sooo sooooo hard - especially when they are so persistant. Seriously - the tingling/pinpricks NEVER leave me. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse, but it's always there to some extent in the same places.

I'm wearing my boyfirend out, my parents out (I've been knocking between houses for the past 2 months), and i just feel like an awful person.

1) Has anyone else had symptoms like this that are so persistant?

2) And if anyone has come through the other side - just HOW did you accept and get better?

Sorry for the long post. But I feel better writing.

16-02-10, 19:03
All I can say is I have been here and know how you feel. I went through a really realy bad time where I was crippled with fear of MS. I woke up in the night crying cos of my legs or arms tingling. My legs collapsed under me, my hands wouldn't stop shaking, I felt myself shivering inside, I was a wreck.

My MS phase slowly went away and I latched onto some other disease and developed the symptoms for that instead. But I did have this massive phobia of MS for... oooh, good six months. I couldn't even read the letters 'MS' without feeling sick.

Two years later, I don't have MS or any symptoms at all. I'm no longer even scared of it as I guess I wore myself out over that particular subject.

If I was you I'd try to treat yourself every day, do little things that make you happy (even just if it's going to bed an hour earlier with a book you always wanted to get round to reading and a nice bar of chocolate), thank God (or just say out loud) for 10 good things in your life before you go to sleep... and ask the doctor for help to treat your health anxiety.

I heard once that Native Americans used to say there are two wolves inside us, a good wolf and a bad wolf. We choose which one grows by choosing which one we feed. That helps me by reminding myself to feed the 'good wolf' (the one I associate with happiness and calm).

16-02-10, 21:19
i exactly the same things. My left leg is literaly driving me mad it constantly feels numb or pins and needles and these weird feelings creep up my leg to my hip and beyond. A few months ago it was my arm, I am so emtionally exhausted I burst into tears and every tingle. I feel like my leg will just give out under me like the joints aren't stable. i also have these weird tremor that is more like a vibration. I have a neuro appointment next week. It took 6 weeks to get the appointment which is just enough time to really lose the plot!!!
i am finding it hard to accept that anxiety can cause such specific and strong physical symptoms. But do take heart in that other people are feelign similiar things

Dee dee
16-02-10, 22:57
I too have had these tingle, prickly and burning sensations over most of my body and it is terrifying when it first happens. I thought there was something wrong with my brain and then the constant anxiety crept it. I know it was anxiety with me, I know it's not Ms or anything else. Your nervous system does some crazy things when your body is under stress. Anyway I went to my gp who prescribed me 10mg cipralex because at that point I was so scared all the time (chronic anxiety) it had made me also clinically depressed. I felt like I was loosing control. It's been almost 6 wks since and it's been a bit of a rocky ride but I do feel a whole lot better than I did 6 wks ago and now these sensations have subsided, I no longer get the constant burning and buzzing sensations just the odd tingle or pins and needles in various parts but I think the cipralex is treating my anxiety so I'm not worrying about the sensations and thats why they are subsiding

17-02-10, 08:21
Yes i to have horrible tingles in my feetfingers all over my body.It is bloody awful,but I know it is Anxiety.I found it difficult to accept that is all it was.I have had every test in the book andnow I have the tools to try and relax they are not as bad.You do have to learn not to feed it,with negative thoughts,also try and see Health Psychologist.Cognitive therapy and deep breathing exercises do wonders as well.i am 55 and have had this for years,but I am trying to live life the best way I know how,and that is to be positive.You will be ok:)

17-02-10, 12:03
Hi, i could of written your post myself. I have a massive fear of MS. I think mainly because my dad suffered with this and I watched the symptoms etc.
I have had and still get every symptom as well as others that you have described.
I agree with the other posts that sometimes you have to try not to "feed" it, as hard as this may be.
But I know It doesnt matter when you are in that negative frame of mind what people say to you, in your head you tell yourself "must have it".
I try not to think about it. But at times like someone said, i cant even see the name without feeling full of fear and it making me feel ill.
Try to stay positive. It does seem that alot of us on here have the same symptoms as you. I must say I am pleased I read your post as its reassured me and i hope it has you too

sarah x

Dee dee
18-02-10, 23:40
A little trick I use that works for me so i dont panic over these tingles and feelings is I repeat in my head over and over 'These are just sensations of anxiety, they wont harm me and they will go' some days this works better than others tho :-)