View Full Version : Severe problems with burping

16-02-10, 19:24
Hello everybody.

This is my first post on these forums, and so far it seems like a very nice place. Thank you for creating this site!...

I have since the beginning of my teens had problems with anxiety. Last year, though, was very difficult, and I had very intense anxiety during some periods, which went so bad that I needed to go to a clinic. Now nearly everything is great again, but of course some of my bad anxiety habbits are still there, but its really back to 'normal' now for me.

...now to the problem. Since summer last year, when my anxiety started to peak, I have had very intense burping problems. I burp all day long, and especially when I eat. I really have to eat slow, or I burp really hard, so hard that I cant stop it.

This burping makes me feel very bad, and its very difficult in social situations etc... I have noticed that I am tensed in my upper stomach area when I am meditating, and my breathing pattern is not back to normal yet either I think. Sometimes I breath too deeply so even my ears starts ringing. I am also pretty aware of my swallowing when eating and in general too, which probably doesn't make it better...

I am taking some stomach drugs now, for gastritis, which have helped a little, but I really think it's anxiety that causes it.

Pretty long text, sry :shades: If some of you have had similiar problems, please give me some tips on how you coped with it. Thanks again..

16-02-10, 19:59
Welcome to the site :)

I used to have horrible issues with this.
I also had the feeling like there was a burp stuck in my throat.
This caused me to swallow a lot and I think it just became a habit.
I was swallowing so much air that I would burp all day long.
The only thing that helped me was to recognize during the day when I would start to do this and to make myself not do it.
I know it sounds odd but I think that I kind of trained myself out of the bad habit that I had gotten into.
Hope it helps to know you aren't alone in this :)

Vanilla Sky
16-02-10, 20:43
Just wanted to welcome you to NMP :welcome: Paige x

16-02-10, 21:27
Hi and welcome! New myself, it's nice here :)

No idea if this is related to your anxiety, but the two possibilities are:

- Eating too fast - swallowing air. Common problem.

- Possible stomach ulcer through stress? This happened to a friend of mine and she was burping constantly, badly. I recommend you get to a doctor and get it checked out in case it gets worse.

Let us know and good luck!


16-02-10, 21:40
Thanks everybody for your posts.. really motivates me to defeat these evil burps. My doctor took a blood sample last week, so I will see what happends. Maybe I will need more tests.

I will update and tell you how it goes. Right now, I am working with my breathing. I have noticed that I breath very small breaths between my real breaths, and if I try to stop these shallow breaths it feels like I am suffocating mildly. It's gotten a little better now :)

..i really liked that advice u got Joonyer hehe :p