View Full Version : chemo still haunts me

16-02-10, 20:25
i all i had chemotheraphy in 2004 for breast cancer, and everytime i smell something chemical i feel the need to gag its so horrible a wellmeaning friend bought me some flash wipes opened them up and started to heave i cant help it also i have agreat fear of needles after having chemo for 6 months my viens are so damage they have great difficulty getting blood from me the last time it took 4 goes and they ended up taking it from the inside of my wrist i nearly passed out. so when i know ive got a blood test comming up i feel ill have palpitations i cant talk to anyone i feel such a big wuzz i will always carry it with me where ever i go. i have now begun to try a not think about it untill the dreaded day:yesyes:

16-02-10, 22:00
You are no wuzz!
Oh my!! I cant see that theres any wonder that you react in this way. What an awful illness to experience and although i cannnot comment personally i understand that chemo can make a person very very sick indeed.
Its small wonder that you relate certain things back to this and get so worked up when having other medical procedure.
Have you spoken directly to your gp or consultant about this? I would like to bet that its (unfortunatley) very common.
Maybe it comes under ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder), i dont know bit i do know one thing......you are a very very brave individual and you deserve some professional support to help you overcome all this fear. X

16-02-10, 22:48
You are NOT a wuss at all. Everything that happens to us leaves an impression on us don't you think.You have been through exceptional circumstances and its bound to affect you, you are human. Don't feel bad about it matey. If its something that you need help for then ask for help. Are there any support groups for such experiences?Maybe it would help to talk to others that have been through the same?