View Full Version : Are these feelings panic attacks ???

16-02-10, 20:46
i have read many things on this great site but still wonder if what I am experiencing is/are Panic Attacks??
I think my first ''panic'' was on a bus when out of the blue I felt like I couldnt breathe, my heart was pounding and Ireally thought i was going to die...the feeling came in waves and lasted for over an hour. It was the worst i have ever felt in my Life ! Since then these random ''attacks'' come on when I least expect but seem to be confined to either Public transport or when I go to bed and am just about to fall asleep. I did go to my GP who has prescribed an SSRI but these make me feel terrible- I have found that diazepam helps tho. Unfortunately the small amount I had for fear of flying has now gone.... I did have tests on my heart butb they are all clear.
I have had some bad times over the past 3years - one of my daughters has been senteced to Life in prison ,my Dad died from cancer 3 months ago and now my husband has been diagnosed with cancer too. I try to accept these things as part of my Life and cope with them as well as I can but maybe deep down they are the cause of my ''panic''. the feelings are so out of my control(I think) and i would so appreciate anyones feedback and advice.
Sorry this is such a long post and all seems a bit ''me me me''
Susiec x

16-02-10, 20:58
Susie, Firstly a huge warm welcome to NMP.

This is a great place to belong to and you'll receive lots of help support and advice.

It definately sounds like all the symptoms of panic attacks and it is not surprising, you are going through so much, it was quite heartbreaking to read all the things you are going through.

Do check out the column on the left hand side, its full of useful information and do keep posting on the forum where we'll support you all we can.

best wishes

di xx

16-02-10, 21:03
Thanks Di
the site is truly an eye opener- I thought I was alone in this .........
Susie x

16-02-10, 21:23
Yes, that sounds like panic attacks. My best advice is to first assure yourself that these attacks are not dangerous in any ways, you wont die from them. When you have gone past this step things will be much easier, and you can start working with the problem. Meditation helps me alot, as do just general relaxation techniques.

16-02-10, 21:43
Its so frustrating tho- I am a fairly level headed rational woman but these feelings are so irrationale and out of my control (it seems) - thats what I hate the most...not having control !
Has anyone had any experience of Counselling or Hypnotherapy ?

16-02-10, 22:16
Hi Susie,
You have been having a rough time so its not surprising you are suffering panic attacks.
My eldest daughter has also suffered from anxiety attacks throughout most of her adult life , not continuously fortunately, but during one of her bad times she did go through a series of hypnotherapy which helped her a lot.

She was fine then for many years but what gave us both a set back was the suicide of my son, her brother, 3 yrs ago.

Life throws so many bad things at us and we cant all be strong enough to fight it. I tried but eventually went to my doctor who was very sympathetic and put me on cipralex before Christmas which has helped me to cope.

I have never been the sort to go to the doctor for anything but as she said, we need medical help to fix physical ailments, so its no shame to have medical help to fix emotional depression and panic attacks

17-02-10, 01:08
As Lindor says, its not surprising. Even just the bereavement can bring on these types of symptoms.

Counselling and/or hypnotherapy could help.

Are there any charities in your area that deal with bereavements znd therefore often offer free counselling?

Look in your Thompsons. Take care