View Full Version : Hi everyone, im new to this site and think i suffer from panic attacks/palpatations

16-02-10, 21:44
Hi all

Im so releived to have found this web site!!!! To be honest im hoping to get some advice, support and friendship out of joining this forum. I am 30 years old, mum of a 3 year old. I have always been a nervous and anxious person, even as a child. Over the past 3 months i have been getting what my GP says are palpatations, a huge thud in my chest area and then its back to normal within seconds, leaving me slightly shaken. It was my Birthday on Sunday and we went for an afternoon out, just to the local bird garden and park (exciting stuff, i know). i was walking round the bird garden when out of no where i got deep pressure either side of my neck up into my ears, my nasal passages opened on there own and i started to panic, i felt my chest was tight and that i couldnt breath, my hands and feet started tingling and i was shaking like a leaf. My Husband took me straight to A&E, at this point i couldnt feel my nose it was cold and numb, i was taken straight in to a cubical and given a paper bag to breathe in and out of, they put the ECG machine straight on me and the blood pressure monitors, id started to calm down slightly at this point and was able to talk more sense. The Doctor looked at my ECG and said apart from the fast heart rate (due to my state) the Heart was fine also my blood pressure was fine. I was told to see my GP the next day and request full bloods, which i have done. I cant get in to have the bloods done till 1st March!!!!! which for me seems a life time away. The GP looked at the copy of my ECG and also said my heart was fine. He then made me 100 times worse by saying " there could be a slight heart defect". Before leaving i asked again, "so my heart is ok then?" to which he replied "yes". Im so nervous of this happening again and how im going to deal with it. One half of my mind is saying the Doctor at A&E, the Nurse at A&E both said my ECG was ok, so did the GP initially, but then the doubt of "slight heart defect" pops into the picture. How am i going to get through the days now, im so so scared! Wouldnt a "slight heart defect" have shown up on my ECG????? Does anyone else get this pressure in the neck and ears and the nasal thing happening? Would be so grateful for any thoughts and help. Sorry its been a long first post, i just hope people will take the time to read it. Thanks

16-02-10, 22:26
Rachel if your ECG and blood pressure is fine then I'm certain there is nothing wrong with your heart and your doctor should never have said that because he just wouldnt know!

Some years ago it was discovered I had very high blood pressure. I was sent for an ECG and my nervousness sent the signals haywire so they got worried. Made me go on the walking machine and because they kept asking me if I felt any chest pain I imagined I did! So they next made me go into hospital as a day patient for an angiogram where they put a dye through your heart valves to see if there are any blockages, my heart was fine! No problems at all.

I know that its my own nerves that sends my heart and pulses jumping about.

but...I did read once that your heart pounding in fear is actually a very good work-out...lol! Its a bit like a runner...their heart pounds, but doesnt mean its not healthy.

17-02-10, 09:21
Welcome Rachael

I agree with the above....doctors generally no diddly squat about Panic attacks. Anything to do with mental illness' really.

I suffered Panic attacks for over 10 years and OCD, and no doctor diagnosed me until i had already figured it out for myself. I also cured my own problems and ignored alot of the doctor mumbo jumbo crap.

Your body has the natural ability to heal its self. You just need to learn how.:bighug1:
You are in a good place here.....need any help, just ask, any questions are good therapy and please do not ever feel stupid about asking any question you like.
There are no dumb questions, just sometimes dumb answers

17-02-10, 11:12
Thank you so much for the replies, :) i think i need to re-train my brain into realising that my heart is ok and stop dwelling on the comment the GP said about my heart!
Does anyone else get the pressure in the sides of the neck and ears with the nasal passages widening on their own before going into panic? No sure if this ia a palpatation or something else. I am on Lansoprazole as from yesterday for my stomach. Could that be the cause of the pressure in the neck and ears which set me off into panic? Any thoughts would be fantastic.

Thanks so much!:blush:/