View Full Version : Who else has themselves convinced they have cancer??

16-02-10, 21:45
Yes, I have done it again – I am just convinced I have some type of cancer. This of course makes me nauseous, worried and upset all around – which then makes all the symptoms worse. I Google things when I know I shouldn’t….I just want to pull the covers over my eyes and hide!

I am going to the Dr’s on March 1st for a medication recheck and a full physical – I don’t feel the need to rush into the Dr’s right now. And I will discuss this all with her….

Share with me – who else has themselves convinced they have cancer or something else for that matter?? I already know of a few people on this site….

16-02-10, 21:50

Different one depending on the day

16-02-10, 21:55
Good point - depending on the day!!

16-02-10, 22:24
I have had a few things in my life and the thought it might be something sinister has always crept into my mind at some point.I am undergoing tests at the moment for melanoma and I am really scared but folk on here have given me some lovely advice.I think we all harbour some sort of fear about Cancer as we all know its a killer and can get us in a variety of ways but the media,magazines and papers keep us in this nervous state about it as not a day goes by that we don't hear about someone who has it or died from it so it's always there in some form.Try to keep some sort of perspective on it if you can(hark to me!)as 9 times out of 10, we all something else and NOT the dreaded C.

pussy cat
16-02-10, 23:02
another one here - although i do suffer with my chest & have done for many years,chronic bronchitis,some years ago i had to have an xray on my leg-as i was leaving a doctor called me into a room & said that he was looking at an old xray of my chest(probably 2yrs previous) & although at the time no-one said anything he said that he could see signs of the start of emphysimia-that did it & the panic attacks got worse-sincethen i have not been for another chest xray although twice i have been sent for 1-my mind now tells me i have you know what & i don,t want to know.i have no reason to believe this(no signs)but we all know what the mind can do-it,s made my life thourally miserable,sometimes i think if i go for an xray & it,s not then surely i would feel better - but what if they said yes !! & also the emphysemia is bound to have got worse & i dont want to know that either - it,s a viscious circle & i just keep plodding on,so you have my sympathy i know how you feel.:weep:

16-02-10, 23:33
Yep - latest is mouth cancer because I feel lumps on the inside of my cheeks. Also fearing ovarian cancer due to stomach upsets and abdominal pain. Have in past year panicked about throat cancer, brain tumour, breast cancer.

I feel really guilty about all of this as a close friend of mine has actually just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and here I am worrying about all the things which might be happening when she's actually dealing with something real.