View Full Version : Inward thinking and fearing fear

17-02-10, 03:20
It feels I've read so many posts recently related to health worries that I thought I'd attempt to type something to cover all of them.

I think I'll have to start with the parrot in his cage! He sits there in his confined space with seemingly no hope of ever being free and this trapped feeling makes him feel very stressed with no enjoyment in living and nothing else to occupy his mind so because he feels so stressed, trapped and bored, he decides to keep his mind busy by training it on "himself" so he decides to pull a feather out. This then grows into a habit until he's left looking a bald parrot after pulling himself to bits!

In a way, this is what we do to ourselves. More often than not, when we're feeling over-stressed by our job or life at home but don't have enough to stimulate the mind, our worrying selves will look inwardly for something to train our stressed feelings on which will normally be anything related to our health.

This means that we're very vulnerable to everything we hear and see that is health related because whatever it is will give our minds the opportunity to focus on it.

This is just one reason I'm not a lover of meds. Meds cause side-effects so that when they surface combined with our already worried health-related mind, we'll very easily start worrying even more wondering why we're feeling so ill. Could it be we're ill? Could it be anxiety? We tend not to think about the obvious being the meds because I think when we see the doctor and they prescribe them, that they must be the cure to all our symptoms when of course they're not.

This leads me to another point - our symptoms. Ok, so we're already feeling very stressed and our minds are now looking for something health-related to worry about so what better things to worry about can there be than the symptoms our worry is already producing. This is when we produce our cycle of fear and start avoiding situations.

I don't think we're actually afraid of panic attacks. I think we're afraid of the symptoms. Palpitaions - we start worrying about our heart. Giddiness - we start worrying about the mind. Can't breathe - we start worrying about our lungs. Tingly feelings - we start worrying about our body. Can't swallow - we start worrying about the throat. Sweating - we worry we have the flu! All these symptoms are caused by anxiety due to too much stress which triggers us to worry more which we then train inwardly on our health.

These symptoms though often occur most in the situations where we feel trapped such as crowded places - in shops, on the bus or at work etc. It's when we feel trapped that our stress surfaces due to our daily job or at home. It can also surface if we have emotional issues that have been left untreated because these past bad experiences can also cause stress which lead to anxiety.

When this overload of stress then triggers an attack in a crowded place, it then triggers the fear cycle. Knowing that these situations will cause us to feel symptoms that will make us worry about our health, then makes us fear those situations so we either try to avoid them or if we do have to face them, we expect them to surface. When of course they do surface and trigger worries about our health, we end up feeling exhausted thinking that we can never face these situations because we always end up feeling so ill.

However, the first time the symptoms arose, it will be because we were feeling really stressed and trapped. The second time they arise though will most probably be because we "expect" them to arise. In other words, the first time produced a fear and because we then fear the symptoms coming back, our fear then causes more stress and so ends up creating the symptoms we want to cure. Therefore, in effect it's "US" who are keeping ourselves ill because our fear won't allow us to stop worrying about our health because we're feeling under too much stress at work, home or emotional which has now also been compounded by a new fear of the symptoms themselves which all then train our minds onto worrying about our health.

I think the thinking process becomes a habit without us realising it because anxiety deceives us into thinking we're really ill when we're not. All our problems are caused by stress and worry which then creates all our symptoms which in turn keeps the anxious feelings alive.

This cycle Can be broken though but I feel it takes a "leap of faith" through knowledge. If we can remain logical and say to ourselves that any symptoms that arise Must be purely anxiety, gradually the anxious feelings can subside. Also though, I feel nipping the worry in the bud can also help so together with convincing ourselves through knowledge that our anxious feelings Are just anxiety, if we can then turn the mind to think "outwardly" so that we stop ourselves dwelling inwardly, we then give our body a chance to relax! When the body relaxes the symptoms melt away which then eases stress so helps to stop us worrying which then means we can then control our anxiety and the symptoms it produces.

Hope that's of some help.:shrug:

jude uk
17-02-10, 03:59
Logic knowledge are the weapons to defeat all that we fear and if we add a healthy dose of support then I know we can overcome anything. My son when he was 4 would throw himself off of big walls with no fear because he knew I would catch him. There was no doubt or fear in his mind!!!
Now that he is 10 he does not throw himself off of walls...dam these weetabix lol but he still has no fear.
Fear is something we learn
We are not born with fear
When I rode bikes, if we crashed we had to get back on them straight away otherwise we would never get back on, we would live in fear of the next crash. I have had a few crashes and the last was into a JCB. Landed in a garden thankfully next to a gnome, dazed I just sat there looking at the gnome.

Ask yourself "would you rather sit about for the next ten years worrying about panic anxiety agoraphobia or live your life to the full"?
I know many have wasted their lives living in fear and it is a waste. I have done it myself.
Fear kept me a prisoner
Fear kept me chained
Fear stopped me having a real life

But we can beat the very thing that keeps us a prisoner and it is us that has the key.
I know it can be difficult
I know you have lived in fear for so long
But I know you can overcome all things

Turn that key
unlock that prison and take a step forward

17-02-10, 08:56
This is a Recipe that starts off Panic and Anxiety.
(serves none)
4 truckloads of guilt
16cups of shoulds
4 bags of perfectectionism
12 busloads of criticism(self or others)
10 barrels of low self esteem
20 tonnes of negative thoughts
80 kilo's of exaggeration
1 football field of worrying
Large pinch of sense of failure
1 period of insomnia
1 major life change
1 or more relationship problems
1 or more drug experiences
1 prolonged period of tension
1 inability to relax
1 ridiculous work load
1 unhappychildhood
1set of sexual problems
1 family member with Panic/Anxiety
1 biological predisposition.........Ingredients vary with each individual.

written by Bev Aisbett.
sorry it is long.
Rhonda :ohmy:

17-02-10, 19:59
@ronny that recipe is very true you really summed it up in that list.

22-02-10, 07:07
Hi Rom.
Yes it is very true I think I have had most of the recipe,and let it brew for most of my life without knowing

Veronica H
22-02-10, 09:35
:bighug1::yesyes::flowers: thanks Bill, Jude.


22-02-10, 09:48
thanks so much for this post im gonna print them of to look at when i first get a feeling of anxiety.realy made me think and feel more positve tyvm xx

22-02-10, 10:28
thanks for the thought really helps a lot :)

Desprate Dan
23-02-10, 06:22
Thanks Bill for another great post, all what you say is true. I really dislike myself so much for the way i feel, i feel so guilty and shameful of myself and what i do to myself, people say what a good person i am and what good qaulitys i posess as a person.....but i cant see any of that all i see is a lonely young man to affraid to make any kind of move in life in case its the wrong one, i am so affraid of getting hurt i just lock myself away in my safe little bubble were no one can hurt me, its so sad because inside i am crying out for LOVE i want to feel loved and i have so much LOVE to give, yet i am so frightened of it and the heartache and pain it can cause when things dont work out..
So i will continue with my SAD little life, going to work coming home and going to bed early because i just feel exhausted, not wanting to do anything because i have no aim/direction or purpose in life................Why cant i be normal???


23-02-10, 13:35
Brilliant posts all of them. Thanks. Personally, for me I know that I fear the fear more than any of the symptoms. Some quotes:

Troubles are a lot like people - they grow bigger if you nurse them. ~Author Unknown

Nerves and butterflies are fine - they're a physical sign that you're mentally ready and eager. You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that's the trick. ~Steve Bull

Worry, doubt, fear and despair are the enemies which slowly bring us down to the ground and turn us to dust before we die. ~Attributed to Douglas MacArthur

23-02-10, 13:42
great post bill you have great insight love xxxxxxx