View Full Version : need some help, dont know whether iv wrote this in the right place

17-02-10, 09:35
Hello, iv never been on here before, it popped up when i googled something. Anyway i really need some help. Its a long story but here i go.

I live with my partner and our 10 months old baby boy, i have suffered with depression on and off for about 10 years and now its happening again. My partner has been having a rough time lately (fighting for access to his two daughters) he is not getting very far and his mood has been up and down, he drinks a lot and is very moody and angry. anyway he turned around to be and said last wednesday that he didnt know if he wanted to be with me anymore, this has broken my heart, i have tried to be there for him throughout all his problems and delt with his mood swings his drinking and his behavour because i knew he was depressed as i have been there so many times before. But now he is giving up, he left me and my son to stay with his mother and i couldnt cope, iv never lived on my own and also find it very had to be a mother, so i rang my mother the next day and came here to stay with her, i told my partner this so he came home to say goodbye to our son and we left.

I speak to my partner everyday on the phone and managed to get him to see a doctor, he is now on prozac which i hope will help him. But everytime i mention what is happening to us, wether we are splitting up or just having some space he gets angry telling me that he just dosnt know. I do understand this as having depression for the first time is very scary and confusing and being unable to make decisions, I have done this alll before with my father he got depression and left us but he looked to me for help (i was 15 at the time) he was suicidal, self harming, drinking, drug taking and i had to try and help him through it but my partner does not want my help or anyone elses help, he says he can do this himself. I find this very hard to deal with. I know what im about to say makes me a very selfish horrible person but my partner not wanting me for help makes me feel so rejected, i just want to be there for him.

He says he needs space but we talk everyday on the phone, sometimes he says he loves me before he puts the phone down, im so confused!! I dont know what to think.

Im so frightened about the future, what if he dosnt want me back? How am i going to cope as a single mum? Where do i live, back in hull where my partner lives or here 112 miles away near my mother?

I cant do this, i just want to give up. I am seeing how needy i am as a person because i cant do things alone, going down the shops frigtens me, getting a hair cut. I have been like this for years due to my depression, self lothing and anxiety problems and have ended up depending on my partner to go down the shops with me. I dont know how to fix this on my own, i have no friends to talk to and now i have the prospect of no partner either. I am just a waste of space, sitting here wallowing. I really want to give up now, everything is my life is going away my partner, my home, the little life i had. My son is going to suffer because of me and his daddy. I love my boy but sometimes it seems to hard and big of a job. I was coping fine before all this happened. now all i want to do is go to bed and not wake up. How horrible and selfish am i? Im being like a robot mother, doing everything for him automatically as my head is else where. I am at a stop in my life as i am just waiting for my partner to decide what he wants, i love him so much and i just want our little family back together.

My mother just keeps telling me to give him the space he asked for and he will be ok, But thats not a definate is it. I dont think i can wait months on end to see if he is going to want us back, i feel like giving up now. I am and have always been a very emotional person, but came off my tablets because my partner said at the begining of our relationship that i didnt need them and that he will look after me so i believed him but slowly ive been creeping back in depression, neediness, anxiety and before i stopped taking them i was doing ok, i could do stuff without needing someone but now im a mess. I cant see my doc because he is back in hull and im 112 miles away. Im panicing about leading a single mothers life, i cant do it!

Im so scared everything is falling apart, i dont want this and cant face the fact its happening and see no light at the end of the tunnel. Anyone else been in a similar situation? Please help me!


17-02-10, 10:29
hi first and formost you amd your son come first ,,you must concentrate on this ,,your chap well he sounds a bit selfish ,, you need to be well there must be a docter where you live now ,you need to get some help love ,dont put it off .the sooner you do it the better you will feel ,, then you can start sorting other problems out your baby needs you he dosent understand ,going to bed is not the answer ,,it will make it worse ,,when we have anxiety we dont want to face the world but we must ,or it wins ,,come on your only young ,, be brave ,, be strong tell yourself you will beat it love maggie:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

17-02-10, 10:37

Maggie has said everything that I would. You are not the selfish one, get to a doctor where you are and get the help that YOU need. You and your son are in the best place to give all involved space and time to think. Be positive and strong and start on the road to getting and feeling better, all other problems will then start to be sortable. xxxx :hugs:

17-02-10, 11:47
Is there not an NHS drop in near you, maybe they can help.
As already said its you and your son that for the minute are the most important. You cant do anything about your fella for the time being, no matter how much you want to. Give him some time and space to let the meds kick in, he seems to be having a rough time too, but its unfair to leave you like that. Can you maybe stay with your mum for a couple of weeks just to try to sort your head out, maybe try not speaking to him everyday could help you both. You just need some time and space to sort everything in your head out, and to give yourself time to recover from the shock.
Hope you get there, dont worry about the feelings of going to bed and never getting up, had similar thoughts myself, wanted to walk of blackpool pier and never come back. ould never ever do it though because the love for my son is so strong and protective, he NEEDS ME.

17-02-10, 15:28
Thankyou all for taking the time to reply to my message. I took my son out for a walk today, i really really didnt want to go but i did it as my boy loves going out and about. Im going to try and not speak to my fella everyday and try and find out about myself. I walked through town and a woman handed me a leaflet for a parent support group, im kinda taking that as i sign that i should really go and get some support however scary that is for me. Its such a scary thought the prospect of starting again but just going to take one day at a time. Im sure my mother will let me stay as long as needed. I am very scared and sometimes that overwhelms me, im going to look into seeing a doc over here aswell as i should never of stopped taking my tablets the way i did and can see now how my moods have deteriorated over time and now i have to face them.
Hope i wont be on here tomorrow wanting to give up again, thankyou all
Faye x

17-02-10, 15:55
you have done well hope you let us know how you get on x

18-02-10, 10:15
As i thought, feel terrible again this morning. dreamt we were a happy little family again then woke up in floods of tears when i realised where i was. Found out he has added a private escort to his list of friends on facebook which i cant stop thinking about, im really torturing myself with thoughts of him being with someone else while im here. Talk about low self esteem. The mornings are always the worst, really bad feelings. So here i am again feeling really crap :weep:

18-02-10, 12:33

Keep up those positive feelings you had yesterday. You will be up and down at the moment because its all so raw.
Easy said than done but try not to see what he is up to on facebook, you again are the important one, along with your little boy. Get an appointment with the doctor and start looking forward - you deserve it! Your confidence will start to come back eventually.
If you need to pm me for some support, you would be more than welcome.
Take care x

18-02-10, 16:58
I cant seem to think rationally at the minute, i wrote a letter to my mums local council today about finding somwhere to live near my mum but i just couldnt hit that send button. Im living on hope that he will want us back and wish i wasnt because i think i know deep down its over :weep: One minute im fine the next im a mess I really just want things to go back to normal :weep:

19-02-10, 00:01
Try to write down how you feel the + and the -. Is your fella messing you around, can you trust him if you get back is it going to help you? Is being near your mum good or bad, moving away could be a fresh start, weigh up all your options, dont jump in whilst your so down. take time, so long as your there for your son and your mums OK then just go with it. If it is over then you'll need time to almost grieve, but hey you'll get there in the end. Please go see a doctor if only to get some advice and support. Remember your not alone.
Take care and I hope you'll work out whats best for YOU.
PS remember your important, no matter how low your feeling.:hugs: