View Full Version : Just a quick Hello...

17-02-10, 10:52
:)Hi everyone i have just joined this site hopefully for support,advice and sharing experiance's with people and thought i would introduce myself.My name's Jamie i have manic-deppresion and have suffered with severe anxiety and panic attacks for many year's.Im changing meds at the moment so having horrible withdrawl and getting used to my new one's Not very nice but it could be alot worse.Anyway it would be nice to hear from you all.Thankyou.

17-02-10, 10:54
Hi Hendo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-02-10, 11:10
hi jamie i do hope we can help everyone on here going through the same x

17-02-10, 11:48
Hi Hendo, you and me both....I am horrid time in between meds too. Half way through my second week and really feeling things will just never change. I suffer with episodes of depression and anxiety. This site has really helped me and I dont know what I would of done without the support from it. Everyone being in the same boat (or similiar) makes you feel normal again (if that makes sense)....keep posting and good luck. Jo.

17-02-10, 17:32
Hi Hendo, :)

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

Mr Parfect
17-02-10, 20:40
Welcome to NMP